Page 20 - JKE
P. 20
Communicate effectively on complex electrical engineering activities
9 Communication with both engineers and the community at large through discussions,
reports and presentations.
Individual and Team Function effectively as an individual, and as a team member or leader
Work in a multi-disciplinary environment.
Recognize the need to undertake life-long learning and possess the
11 Life Long Learning
capacity to do so independently.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and
Project Management management/finance principles and apply these to one’s own work as
and Finance an individual, team member or leader in a multi-disciplinary
The POs are directly mapped to relevant courses and explicitly mapped to the course outcomes (COs) of
the related courses. The POs attainment of individual students will be continuously measured throughout
the period of study based on the performance in each course.
Course Outcomes (COs) are the expected outcomes of each course and it is what student should be able to
do upon the completion of a specific course. Each course has course outcomes which are explicitly linked
to specific POs. COs are assessed and evaluated through various measurement/assessment tools. At the end
of the measurement, the COs attainment will directly contribute to the achievement of specific POs linked
to it.
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