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                                    UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA, FK@UM.

                Thank you for choosing FK@UM to continue your dream.
                 You are a chosen one, as many who wanted to be here did
                 not get the opportunity as the applicants exceed the intake
                 capacity of the Faculty. We are proud and happy to have
                                      you here.

                      You are now in one of the top

                 engineering Faculty in the world and

                      definitely the top in Malaysia.

               Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) has accredited all the programs at the Faculty. It simply means
               that  the  programs  are  planned  and  delivered  with  adequate  resources  and  quality.  The  courses  are
               administered to ensure students attain all the defined attributes upon graduation.

               The degrees from FK@UM are mutually recognized under Washington Accord in more than 17 countries
               that  include  UK,  Singapore,  Taiwan,  Hong  Kong  and  others.  You  will  be  getting  an  internationally
               recognized degree from the Faculty.

               You  will  be  starting  your  life-changing  journey  in  UM,  where  you  will  be  acquiring  new  skills,
               competencies, knowledge and experience that will pave the way for your continued success in life and
               career. Be steadfast and disciplined in maximizing your stay in UM. There will be also lots of opportunities
               for personal development in the form of student activities, mobility programs, training activities and many
               others. Be proactive in seizing the opportunities. It is often said that University life is the best period of life
               of many people who have gone through it! Many will meet their best friends here.

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