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                                                 LIST OF FACULTY ELECTIVE COURSE
                NO  CODE       COURSE                                                            CREDIT
                 1  KIX3002    Engineering Entrepreneurship                                         2
                 2  KIX3003    Sustainable Engineering                                              2


                                         LIST OF PROGRAMME ELECTIVE COURSE
                 NO  CODE                           COURSE                         CREDIT  SPECIALIZATION
                1      KIG4020    Internal Combustion Engine                          2         Energy
                2      KIG4021    Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy                  2         Energy
                3      KIG4022    Material and Process in Semiconductor               2        Materials
                4      KIG4023    Tribology                                           2         Energy
                5      KIG4024    Production Technology                               2     Manufacturing
                6      KIG4025    Computer Integrated Manufacturing                   2     Product Design
                7      KIG4026    Industrial Engineering                              2     Manufacturing
                8      KIG4027    Principles of Metal Working                         2     Manufacturing
                9      KIG4028    Manufacturing Planning and Control                  2     Manufacturing
                10     KIG4029    Acoustic and Noise Control                          2         Energy
                11     KIG4030    Operations Management                               2     Manufacturing
                12     KIG4031    Precision Engineering                               2     Manufacturing
                13     KIG4032    Phase Transformation                                2        Materials
                14     KIG4033    Modelling of Materials Behaviour                    2        Materials
                15     KIG4034    Human Factors Design                                2     Product Design
                16     KIG4035    Design for Manufacturability                        2     Product Design
                17     KIG4036    Reverse Engineering                                 2     Product Design
                18     KIG4037    Computational Fluid Dynamics                        2     Product Design
                19     KIG4038    Finite Element Analysis                             2     Product Design
                20     KIG4039    Mold and Die Design                                 2     Product Design
                21     KIG4040    Automation and Robotics                             2     Manufacturing
                22     KIG4041    Corrosion Engineering                               2        Materials
                23     KIG4042    Material Selection                                  2        Materials
                24     KIG4043    Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning            2         Energy
                25     KIG4044    Plant Engineering                                   2         Energy
                26     KIG4045    Nanotechnology in Green and Sustainable Energy      2         Energy
                27     KIG4046    Material Characterization                           2        Materials
                28     KIG4047    Mechanical Behaviour and Failure of Materials       2        Materials
                29     KIG4048    Advanced innovation Design Approach                 2     Product Design
                30     KIG4049    Machine Tool Engineering                            2     Manufacturing
                31     KIG4050    Energy Conversion and Efficiency                    2         Energy
                32     KIG4051    Composite Materials                                 2        Materials

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