Page 6 - Annual Report 2021
P. 6
Overview Leadership Message Business Segment Moving Forward Our Resources Working for a Corporate Financial
Review Plan Better Tomorrow Governance Statements
About the UMH Group
Following an extensive The UMH Group (the Group) was immediate term goals, the Group
rationalisation established in 2001 as the corporate intends to strengthen these core
exercise in 2021, vehicle of Universiti Malaya (UM), sectors while also exploring high
entrusted with the mandate of
potential opportunities for growth.
the Group has monetising UM’s assets and resources
strengthened its and hence supporting UM’s long-term Moving forward, the Group remains
corporate governance financial viability. committed to its mandate of
and operational Following an extensive rationalisation supporting UM’s financial strength
and prowess as the nation’s premier
structures to enable exercise in 2021, the Group has research university and bastion
the achievement of its strengthened its corporate governance of intellectual development and
mission and vision. and operational structures to enable innovation. Fortifying the Group’s
the achievement of its mission and financial, intellectual and innovation
vision. capitals will also enable us to develop
a cohesive social ecosystem that
As of 2022, the Group operates in enhances the wellbeing and growth
the diversified sectors of Healthcare, of UM’s community, while initiating
Education, Property & Plantation and and funding key social betterment
Intellectual Capital. Guided by the projects for the communities in which
2022 Business Plan that sets out its we operate.
Our VisiOn Our MissiOn Our COre Values
Ethical, honest and
transparent in all that we do.
• Converting resources
To be a leading into value, profitability • TRUST
diversified and creating Committed to adopting
best business and
university maximum wealth. governance practices to
holding • Going beyond build a respected company.
company boundaries. • PROFESSIONALISM
maximising and • Adhering to good Competent, efficient and
effective in achieving our
enabling value corporate governance. objectives.
and financial • Delivering dependable • TEAMWORK
sustainability and sustainable Collaborating effectively to
of Universiti outcomes to achieve our shared goals.
Malaya. shareholders and • PASSION & COMMITMENT
stakeholders. Upholding the interests of
our stakeholders and the
greater good in all that
we do.
6 UM Holdings Group