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Laut (Chinese Overseas) di mana beliau berusaha was able to review the existing definition and
untuk melihat semula takrifan dan persepsi yang perception of Overseas Chinese communities,
wujud pada masa tersebut terhadap kelompok in particular those in Southeast Asia. His efforts
masyarakat Cina di luar negeri China, khususnya, were successful in producing many important
mereka yang berada di Asia Tenggara. Usaha studies which have remained influential to
beliau telah menghasilkan banyak karya yang subsequent generations of scholars. This further
penting, yang seterusnya membina nama Profesor enhanced his reputation as the most eminent
Wang Gungwu sebagai ‘Doyen’ kepada pengajian person on the study of the Chinese community
Masyarakat Cina Seberang Laut (Overseas Chinese), in the world. He was responsible for providing
dan seterusnya tokoh akademik yang paling a more accurate and suitable term for this
penting dalam bidang ini di dunia. Beliau turut community, from Huaqlao (Overseas Chinese) to
bertanggungjawab memberi istilah nama yang Huayl (Chinese Overseas).
lebih tepat kepada masyarakat ini, dari Huaqlao
(Overseas Chinese) kepada Huayl (Chinese In 1982, Professor Wang is also one of the
Overseas). founders of the International Society for the Study
of the Chinese Overseas (ISSCO), one of the most
Pada tahun 1982, beliau juga merupakan important academic organizations that studies
antara pengasas kepada International Society for the Chinese community in the world.
the Study of the Chinese Overseas (ISSCO),sebuah
pertubuhan akademik terpenting dalam mengkaji Professor Wang continues to play an
masyarakat Cina di dunia. important role in the development of education
and higher education in Malaysia. Among others,
Profesor Wang tetap memainkan peranan he was Chairman of the International Advisory
penting dalam perkembangan pendidikan dan Board for the establishment of Universiti Tunku
pengajian tinggi di Malaysia. Antara kejayaan dan Abdul Rahman. He was also advisor to the
pencapaian beliau adalah penubuhan Universiti Institute of China Studies, Universlti Malaya,
Tunku Abdul Rahman dengan pelantikan beliau bringing his expertise and experience to bear in
sebagai Pengerusi International Advisory Board. the transformation of the institute.
Beliau juga merupakan Penasihat kepada Institut
Pengajian China (Institute of China Studies), In 2011, Professor Wang was awarded
Universiti Malaya, dan membantu dalam proses Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Perak (D.P.M.P) by
transformasi lnstitut tersebut. His Royal Highness the Ruler of the state of
Perak, in recognition of his contribution to
Pada tahun 2011, Profesor Wang Gungwu the development of education and history in
telah dikurniakan Darjah Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Malaysia.
Perak (D.P.M.P) oleh DYMM Sultan Perak Darul
Ridzuan sebagai pengiktirafan kepada sumbangan Professor Wang’s excellent scholarship
beliau kepada perkembangan pendidikan dan has been recognised internationally. He has
kesarjanaan di Malaysia. been awarded many important and prestigious
prizes, including the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize
Kesarjanaan Profesor Wang turut diiktiraf oleh (1994), Honorary Doctor of Letters by Cambridge
dunia akademik dengan penganugerahan Fukuoka University during its 800th Annniversary (2009),
Asian Culture Prize (1994), Ijazah Doktor Kehormat and also the Tang Prize in Sinology (2020).
oleh Cambridge University (2009) apabila universiti
tersebut meraikan ulang tahun ke-800, dan Tang Professor Wang’s contriibution to the study
Prize in Sinology (2020). of the history of China, the history of Southeast
Asia, and the Chinese Overseas, has proven
Sumbangan Profesor Dato’ Wang Gungwu central to charting the directions of these three
dalam bidang sejarah China, sejarah Asia Tenggara areas of study. His published works in these three
dan sejarah masyarakat Cina di dunia adalah amat areas have been and continue to be important
penting dalam mencorak hala tuju perkembangan references today.
bidang kajian ini. Penghasilan kerja, karya dan
penulisan beliau terus menjadi menjadi bahan
rujukan sehingga kini.