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jawatan terakhir sebagai Timbalan Presiden/  Abdul Razak (UNITAR) in 1998 and served for
            Ketua Pegawai Operasi dengan gelaran Associate   10 years with his last position as the Deputy
            Professor (Islamic Financial Economics). Pada   President/Chief Operating Officer (COO),
            tahun 2007, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)   with the title of Assoc. Prof. (Islamic Financial
            telah melantik beliau sebagai Timbalan Naib   Economics). In 2007, Universiti Tenaga Nasional
            Cancelor (Pengurusan dan HEP) dengan gelaran   (UNITEN) appointed him as the Deputy Vice
            Profesor (Islamic Financial Economics). Beliau juga   Chancellor (Management and HEP) with the title
            telah dilantik sebagai Naib Presiden Kanan dan   of Professor (Islamic Financial Economics). He
            Ketua Kumpulan Pendidikan di Sime Darby untuk   was also appointed as the Senior Vice President
            menubuhkan Universiti Sime Darby pada tahun   and Group Head of Education at Sime Darby to
            2009.                                        establish the Sime Darby University in 2009.
                Dalam dunia korporat, beliau juga telah     In the corporate world, he had held several
            memegang beberapa jawatan penting antaranya   important positions, including as a Director at
            sebagai Pengarah di SME Bank dengan pelbagai   SME Bank, with various portfolios, that include
            portfolio, termasuk sebagai COO CEDAR, SME   as COO CEDAR, SME Bank since 2010 until 2018.
            Bank sejak 2010 hingga 2018. Pada tahun 2019,   Upon retirement in 2019, he had a short stint
            beliau telah dilantik sebagai CEO Andorra Women   as the CEO of Andorra Women and Children
            and Children Hospital. Kini beliau mengusahakan   Hospital. He now runs a small business with his
            sebuah perniagaan kecil bersama isteri tercinta   beloved wife in the supply of medical equipment
            dalam bidang peralatan perubatan.
                                                         to the hospitals.
                Keinginan mendalami ilmu Pengajian Islam    His interest in experiencing a structured and
            secara formal di sebuah universiti terkemuka seperti   formal Islamic Studies at a leading university
            UM, telah mendorong beliau untuk melanjutkan   such as UM has motivated him to pursue
            pengajian dalam Diploma Eksekutif Pengajian   the Executive Diploma in Shariah Studies
            Syariah di Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti   at Universiti Malaya Centre for Continuing
            Malaya (UMCCed) pada tahun 2019 sehingga 2021.  Education (UMCCed) in 2019 until 2021.
                Kesibukan sebagai ketua keluarga dan dalam   Being the head of the family and carrying
            melaksanakan tugasan harian serta menghadiri   out daily tasks as well as attending classes on
            kelas pada hujung minggu, lebih-lebih lagi ketika   the weekend, especially during the COVID-19
            pandemik COVID19, tidak menjadi penghalang buat   pandemic, never stopped him from excelling in
            beliau untuk meraih kecemerlangan dalam bidang   academics. By the grace of Allah SWT, with self-
            akademik. Berbekalkan keyakinan diri, dorongan   believe and confidence, encouragement from
            isteri dan sokongan keluarga, beliau dapat   his wife & moral support from the family, he
                                                         managed to complete and excel in the program.
                Antara prinsip kejayaan dalam kehidupan     Among the principles he uphold in life is
            beliau adalah sentiasa melakukan sesuatu tugasan   that he will always undertake any assigned
            dengan penuh keikhlasan & tanggungjawab yang   task with full commitments, sincerity &
            mendalam. Hal ini kerana Allah SWT sentiasa   accountability; because it is his conviction
            melihat setiap perkara yang kita lakukan. Antara   that Allah SWT knows and sees everything
            kata-kata keramat beliau kepada mahasiswa    that we do. His often shared wisdom with
            semasa berkhidmat sebagai kakitangan akademik   his students while serving as an academic
            ialah “Sesuatu kejayaan itu tidak mungkin    staff is that “Success can never be achieved
            tercapai tanpa suatu perjuangan; ia bukan suatu   without a struggle; it is not a struggle without
            perjuangan jika tiada pengorbanan; ia bukan suatu   sacrifices; and it is not a sacrifice if it is absent of
            pengorbanan tanpa kesusahan dan cabaran”.    challenges”.
                Hasil kecemerlangan beliau dalam bidang     As a result of his outstanding academic
            akademik, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Ghazali bin Sheikh Abod   achievements, Datuk Dr. Sheikh Ghazali bin
            telah dinobatkan sebagai penerima Anugerah Naib   Sheikh Abod has been selected as the recipient
            Canselor 2022, Universiti Malaya.            of the 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Award, Universiti

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