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Service-Learning Malaysia- University Inspiring the Love of VALUES @
for Society (SULAM) CITrA
An important element of education involves Service Learning. At CITrA, we are committed to nurturing VALUES to students:
Introduced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia in 2019,
Service-Learning Malaysia-University for Society (SULAM) is
included as one of the requirements for university students before
they graduate. In UM, SULAM is under the purview of CITrA. SULAM Valuable Individuals of
the society - Problems
is an innovative approach to bring higher education students closer solvers, inspired by
to members of society to help improve their lives. Learning occurs Socially creativity and critical
through experiential education as students work with others Responsible thinking Accountable
through a process of applying what they are studying to help solve Citizens - Bringing Team Players
community problems. At the same time, reflecting upon their improvement and - Committed
experiences as they seek to achieve real objectives for the contributing to V to ethics and
the welfare
community and gain deeper understanding of themselves (Eyler & of the people integrity as a Centre for Internship Training
Giles, 1999). All students in Universiti Malaya will engage with the and society S A way of life
communities through SULAM, which is embedded in the courses of and Academic enrichment
their programs.
Empathetic Life Long (CITrA)
Leaders - E L Learners
Respecting the - Actively
dignity of every learning,
fellow human U
being with digitally literate #V.A.L.U.E.S.
Critical love and Universal Minded in adapting to
Thinker & Life Long compassion Graduates - Effective change in the
new era
Problem Learner communicators with
Solver global worldview and
understanding “Engaging the Hearts and Minds of Great
UM GRAD Leaders”
Communicator Digitally
& Team Player
Contact us:
Centre for Internship Training and Academic
enrichment (CITrA) /
Pusat Latihan Intern dan Pengayaan Akademik
Universiti Malaya
50603, Kuala Lumpur
U G A Fax Number: 03-7967-5427 Email:
Phone Number: 03-7967-5410
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
M RESILIENT D 8.30 AM - 1.00 PM | 2.00 PM - 5.30 PM
8.30 AM - 12.15 PM | 2.45 PM - 5.30 PM
DYNAMIC Instagram: CITrA Universiti Malaya
Facebook: CITrA Universiti Malaya