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Introduction to CITrA
The Centre for Internship Training and Academic enrichment (CITrA) internship such as resume writing, interviewing techniques and a Transferable future skills such as creative thinking, problem solving,
plays a supporting role to faculties and academic centres in range of other tools to help students prepare themselves for their teamwork, communication and lifelong learning skills are also taught
Universiti Malaya in developing balanced, employable graduates internship as well as careers in the future. The team in this and integrated within the teaching and learning process of these MPU
equipped with humanistic values, global mindsets and future skills department also acts as a knowledge bridge between industry courses. In addition, this department also works closely with faculties
for the nation and humanity. It is CITrA’s vision to be a world-class partners, students and faculties. The team supports faculties and and the Student Affairs Department to coordinate the community
centre in supporting Universiti Malaya to achieve excellence in industries with a range of services including student internship engagement activities as well as the Co-Curricular courses which are
unleashing the potential of every student to produce future leaders. placement, identifying new strategic collaborations between the conducted by the Student Affairs Department. The MPU department
university and industry partners expanding student internship adopts the blended learning approach such as e-learning, flipped
The two main core functions of CITrA are: to offer University
General Courses including Elective Courses on the Student Holistic opportunities, sharing insights on student interests and strengths. It classroom and other digital approaches appropriate to the new digital
is a one stop center for internship-industry-student related matters
era to ensure the learning outcomes are achieved.
Empowerment (SHE) programme and to manage Internship Training
and Programmes. CITrA has a team of dedicated staff consisting of for the university. CITrA also functions as the coordinating center in liaising with
both administrative as well as academic staff to manage its core The General Studies Courses (MPU) department provides the various faculties and departments to ensure the smooth running
functions and responsibility effectively. students with a holistic and balance curriculum through the General of the Experiential Learning with Industries & Technocrat at UM
The Department of Internship Training provides students with Studies Courses, which are made compulsory by the Ministry of (ELITE@UM) program. This program provides opportunities for
experts, industry practitioners and notable stakeholders in the
access to internship opportunities and prepares them with Education. The general studies courses, which consists of 5 different industries and relevant fields to share their knowledge and
internship-readiness programmes such as internship preparatory courses are divided into 4 main groups namely below. experiences with UM students. Successful UM alumni will also be
workshops, employability soft skills workshops, valuable industry The General Studies Courses (MPU) department focusses on given the opportunity to give back to their alma mater by sharing their
insights seminars by professionals from the industries. We also developing holistic students with global worldviews as well as personal success stories with students through this ELITE@UM
organise the Internship Day event annually. These programmes offer strengthening their national identity through the MPU courses. program.
training and exposure to students on significant skills related to
Student Holistic Empowerment (SHE)
• Appreciation of Ethics and Student Holistic Empowerment courses are offered to all Universti
Civilizations (GIG1013)
• Philosophy and Current Issues Malaya students and it is also under the purview of CITrA. These
(GIG1012) courses function as the building blocks for the formation of a special
set of Graduate Student Attributes (GSA) or commonly known as the
• *Basic Malay Language (GLT1017) UM DNA. It consists a set of humanistic values that enriches the heart
* For international students and soul of every student, complemented by enriching soft skills, thinking
skills and other life skills. Through careful selection of SHE courses,
U1 students will be able to develop new 21st century skills, discover their
Appreciating strengths and nurture their talents. SHE courses will help them to
philosophy, values prepare for challenges and opportunities at the university and beyond.
and history
Students will develop vital skills to succeed in studies, career,
U4 U2 entrepreneurship, and life, through four subject clusters:
• *Co-curricular Course (6 Courses offered • Basic Entrepreneurship Thinking Emotional, Technology/ Global Issues
different clusters) under the MPU Culture (GIG1003) Matters Physical and Artificial and Community
Developing • English Language Spiritual Intelligence Sustainability
department according Mastering
practical humanity Intelligence and Data
to categories
community Analytics
1. Attach@Industry skills
(GKA1001) -minded . Mind & Heart, Body & i-Techie Making the World
2. Independent Research skills Intellect Soul a Better Place
(GKI100) Broadening Each subject cluster offers a range of courses to develop skills and
3. Volunteerism (GKS1001) knowledge about insights from the core level of self, to creating and harnessing human
4. Entrepreneurship Malaysia extensions in the form of technological-innovations, all the way to our
(GKU1001) U3 role in the community and our responsibilities as members of
5. Community Services humanity. Most SHE courses are designed to encourage exploration
(GKK1001) • General Elective Courses and experimentation, to foster debate and discourse, and to nurture
6. Talent Development thought and reflection. Learning activities will not merely be lecture-
(GKP1001) based but will include a range of interactive activities both inside and
* To select minimum 1 cluster outside of the classroom and both face to face and online.