P. 31

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                                       STEP FOR REGISTRATION FOR

                                     RESEARCH PROJECT (AA037018)

               Submission of Pink Form (Approval for the Field of Research and Supervisor)
                                        - Prepare the Research Proposal
                                  - Get the Approval from potential Supervisor                        1
                            - Submit to the Postgraduate Unit, FPE before deadline
       FIRST STEP   Student can start the Research Project once the Approval is obtained from Faculty  2
                         Register 5credit Research Project (P1) at
              and make the CONFIRMATION of the courses in the add and drop courses week


                                        Board of Examiner - Grade P1
                                       (Procced Continue Register P2)

       SECOND STEP    Submission of Blue Form (Approval for Title and Appoinment of Internal Examiner)    2

                                       - Get the Approval form the Supervisor
                              - Submit to the Postgraduate Unit, FPE before deadline

                                     Register 5 credit Research Project (P2) at
                and make the CONFIRMATION of the courses in the add and drop courses week

                  Submission of Yellow Form (Submission Research Project for Examination)
             - Get the approval from the Supervisor before submission. Your supervisor must sign off the
                    - Submit the Research Project to the Postgraduate Unit, FEA before deadline

                                               Examination procees

               Submission of Green Form (Correction and Final Submission for Research Project)
                                        -Get the Approval from the supervisor
                -Submission of Final Research Project to the Postgraduate Unit, FEA before deadline

                                        Board of Examiner - Actual Grade


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