P. 12

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                 AA027005                     FISCAL ADMINISTRATION
                 4 Credits

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Assess the basic characteristics of fiscal administration
                                                  in the government financial system.
                                              (2)  Examine  the  central  and  local  government  budgeting
                                                  processes in terms of economic and political economy.
                                              (3)  Solve issues related to tax policies in public administration.
                                              (4)  Analyze  the  methods  in  cost  and  benefits  analysis  of
                                                  government investment projects, taking into account the
                                                  criteria of efficiency and fairness, in the public interest.

                 Synopsis of Course Contents  This  course  provides  the  introduction  on  the  policies
                                              concerning fiscal administration. This includes the used of
                                              public goods and public choices associated with the fiscal
                                              administration. The efficiency and equity serves as the major
                                              outcome of the fiscal administration. This ranging from the
                                              federal government to the state and local governments will
                                              be introduce in detail. The  course covers budgetary issues,
                                              taxation and revenues as well as the debt management of a
                                              sound and sustainability economy. It also focuses on fiscal
                                              federalism,  federal  finance,  as  well  as  intergovernmental
                                              relations and financial adjustment.

                 Assessment Weightage         Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                              Final Examination: 40%

                 Medium of Instruction        English

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