P. 23

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                 AA037002                   SURVEY TECHNIQUES AND SAMPLING DESIGN
                 4 Credits

                 Learning Outcomes          At the end of this course, students are able to:

                                            (1)  Demonstrate  a  sound  understanding  of  the  research
                                                process and research methodology;
                                            (2)  Collect primary data using appropriate data collection and
                                                sampling methods;
                                            (3)  Analyze data and draw conclusion; and
                                            (4)  Demonstrate skills in effective writing and communication.

                 Synopsis of Course         This course covers major issues connected with the research
                 Contents                   process  in  various  fields.  The  course  is  designed  to  equip
                                            students with a sound understanding of theory building and the
                                            research process, with emphasis on quantitative applications
                                            of  research  methods.  Students  will  learn  the  techniques  of
                                            sampling, data collection and analysis for report writing. The
                                            course will also train students on critical analysis of published
                                            research and equip them with communication skills

                 Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment: 50%
                                            Final Examination: 50%

                 Medium of Instruction      English

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