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Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine,
Universiti Malaya
Congratulations! Your acceptance into one of our
undergraduate programmes at the Faculty of Medicine,
Universiti Malaya is a culmination of many years of hard work.
You have been selected amongst several hundred applicants
who have vied to enter into our prestigious Faculty. Universiti
Malaya, Faculty of Medicine is recognised as a national leader
in medicine and the health sciences with many distinguished
academic staff that are nationally and internationally
The Faculty in recent years has striven to make all of our
programs exciting and relevant to prepare you for the
challenges of a career in the medical sciences in this new era of
rapid changes in health, technology and information. You will
find that your university education will be vastly different from what you have
experienced at school. Unlike in school, you will be expected to undertake more self-
directed and independent learning with support from dedicated and experienced
Faculty members. All of this is to prepare you to enter into the workforce where
attributes such as critical and analytical thinking, independence and creativity are
sought after.
The courses that you will undertake in the next 4-5 years will prepare you for a career
to enter into the healthcare profession, whether as a doctor, nurse or pharmacist,
providing direct patient care or essential behind the scenes support. The lectures,
tutorials and the practicals that you will be attending in the course of the next few years
are however but a foundation and a stepping stone to what we hope will prepare you
for a life-long learning experience. In the words of perhaps one of the most
accomplished and greatest physicians in recent times, Sir William Osler,
"The hardest conviction to get into the mind of a beginner is that the education
upon which he is engaged is not a college course, not a medical course, but a life
course, for which the work of a few years under teachers is but a preparation."
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