Page 105 - Handbook UG20182019
P. 105
Faculty of Science Booklet, Session 2018/2019
Faculty of Science Booklet, Session 2018/2019
SIN2005 System of Ordinary Differential Equations SIN1003 4
SIN2006 Vector Analysis SIM1003 4
SIT2001 Probability and Statistics II SIT1001 4
LEVEL 3 (5 Credits)
SIN3014 Industrial Training SIM2002 5
Elective Courses (35 Credits)
Program Elective Courses (At Least 28 Credits) [EP]
SIN2007 Management Mathematic SIM1002 4
SIN2008 Optimization Technique SIM2001 4
SIN2009 Computer Graphics SIN1001 and SIN2002 4
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with
SIN3001 Computers SIN2002 4
SIN3002 Cryptography SIN2002 and SIT1001 4
SIN3003 Computational Fluid Dynamics SIN2004 4
SIN3004 Analysis of Mathematical Models SIN2005 4
SIN3005 Numerical Methods and Analysis SIN2001 4
SIN3006 Production and Inventory Control SIN2003 or SIN2007 4
SIN3007 Heuristic Methods SIN2002 4
SIN3008 Mathematical Programming SIN2003 4
SIN3009 Industrial Operational Research SIN2003 4
SIN3010 Computational Geometry SIN2002 4
SIN3011 Scientific Computing SIN2002 4
SIN3012 Mechanics SIN2006 4
SIN3013 Fourier and Wavelets Analysis SIN1001 and SIM2002 4
SIN3015 Mathematical Science Project SIM2002 4
(II) Faculty Elective Courses (7 Credits) [EF]
* Courses Offered by Other Institute/Department within the Faculty of Science
* Refer to the Faculty Elective Courses lists other than from the Institute of Mathematical
Sciences but within the Faculty of Science
Institute/ Department Code Course Title Credit
SIX1006 Malaysian Flora 3
Institute of Biological Sciences SIX1007 Malaysian Fauna 3
SIX1008 Biocomputing 2
SIX1010 Earth’s Ecosystem 2
Dept. of Geology
Dept. of Physics SIX1011 Contemporary Physics 2
Dept. of Science And Technology SIX1012 Logical Thinking in Science 3
Dept. of Chemistry SIX1009 Basic Chemistry 2
booklet Fakulti Sains.indd 99 29/8/2018 1:35:19 PM