Page 86 - Handbook UG20182019
P. 86

Faculty of Science Booklet, Session 2018/2019
                                             Faculty of Science Booklet, Session 2018/2019
                          LIST OF COURSES ACCORDING TO SEMESTER,
                                    (PLANNING OF COURSES)

                            BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MICROBIOLOGY
                                                YEAR 1
                COMPONENT           SEMESTER 1          SEMESTER 2      CREDIT
                                COURSE      CREDIT   COURSE     CREDIT
                                GLT            3    GLT            3
                                GIG1001 /      2    GIG1002 /      2
                University Courses   GLT1017*       GIG1006*              14
                                                    GIG1004        2
                                                    GIG1005        2
                        Faculty   SIX1001      3    SIX1003        3       8
                        (TF)    SIX1002        2
                Core            SIJ1001        2    SIL1001        2
                Courses   Program   SIE1001    2    SIK1001        2      12
                                SIH1001        2    SIC1001        2
                Elective   Faculty   Department   2                        2
                Courses   (EF)   Elective
                TOTAL CREDIT                  18                  18      36
              *only for international students

                                                YEAR 2
                COMPONENT           SEMESTER 1          SEMESTER 2      CREDIT
                                COURSE      CREDIT   COURSE    COURSE
                                GIG1003       2     GKN / GRK /   2
                University Courses                                         4
                                SIR2001       3     SIR2002       3
                                SIR2004       3     SIR2006       3
                Core    Program   SIR2005     3     SIR2007       3       33
                Courses   (TP)   SIR2008      3     SIR2010       3
                                SIR2009       3     SIL2003       3
                                SIL2009       3
                        Faculty   Department   2                           2
                Elective   (EF)   Elective
                Courses         Courses
                        Program                     SIR2003       3        3
                TOTAL CREDIT                  22                  20      42



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