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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               SIM1002   CALCULUS  I                           SIM2001  ADVANCED CALCULUS

               Real numbers and real line. Inequality and absolute values.   Partial   derivatives.   Differentiability   and   continuity.
               Functions  and  their  graphs.  Combining  Functions.  Limits:   Linearization  and  differentials.  The  Chain  Rule,  Partial
               Intuitive,  limit  laws,  one-sided  limits,  limits  involve  infinity,   derivatives   with   constrained   variables.   Directional
               epsilon-delta  definition  for  limits.  Continuity.    Derivatives:   derivatives.  Gradient,    divergence  and  curl.  Tangent
               tangent  lines  and  definition  for  derivatives.  Differentiation   planes. Taylor’s Theorem. Extremum problems of functions
               Rules including the Chain Rule and implicit differentiation.   of two variables. Lagrange multipliers.
               Rolle's  Theorem,  The  Mean  Value  Theorem,  Maximum,
               minimum,  concavity  and  points  of  inflection.  Graph   Double  integrals,  iterated  integrals  and  Fubini’s  Theorem.
               sketching. Logarithms, exponential functions. Indeterminate   Applications  to  areas  and  volumes.      Double  integrals  in
               forms  and  L'Hospital's  Rule.  Definite  and  indefinite   polar  form.    Triple  integrals,  iterated  integrals.    Volumes
               integrals.   Fundamental   theorem   of   Calculus   and   and  masses.  Triple  integrals  in  cylindrical  and  spherical
               differentiation of integrals. Integration methods.   coordinates  forms.  Substitution  in  multiple  integrals,
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Basic  set  theory.  Functions,  bijective  functions,  inverse
               Final Examination:           60%                functions.  Finite  and  infinite  sets,  countable  and
                                                               uncountable  sets.    The  Real  Number  system.    Bounds,
               Medium of Instruction:                          supremum  and  infimum.  Archimedean  property.    Rational
               English                                         and  irrational  numbers.    Properties  of  real  numbers.
                                                               Sequences of real numbers, convergence. Limit Theorems.
               Humanity Skill:                                 Monotone   sequences,   Cauchy   sequences   and
               CT3, LL2                                        subsequences.  Basic  topology  of  the  real  line:  Open  and
                                                               closed sets, accumulation points.
               1.   Weir,  Maurice  D.,  Hass,  J.  and  Giordano,  Frank  R.   Assessment:
                   (2010) Thomas' Calculus, Pearson Education, Inc (12     Continuous Assessment:      40%
                   edition).                                   Final Examination:           60%
               2.   Stewart,  J.  (2015).  Calculus,  Cengage  Learning  (8th.
                   edition).                                   Medium of Instruction:
               3.   Adams, Robert A. and Essex, C. (2013). Calculus: A   English
                   complete  course,  Pearson  Education  (8   edition  with
                   MyMathLab).                                 Humanity Skill:
                                                               CS3, CT3, LL2

               SIM1003   CALCULUS II                           References:
                                                               1.   Weir, Maurice D., Joel Hass Weir, Maurice D., Hass, J.
               Inverses  of    trigonometric  functions,  hyperbolic  functions,   and  Giordano,  Frank  R.  (2010)  Thomas'  Calculus,
               inverses  of  hyperbolic  functions.  Integration  by  parts,   Pearson Education, Inc (12   edition).
               integration  of  rational  functions  by  partial  fractions,   2.   Stewart,  J.  (2015).  Calculus,  Cengage  Learning  (8th.
               trigonometric   integrals,   trigonometric   substitutions,   edition).
               improper  Integrals.  Sequence,  infinite  series,  integral test,   3.   Bartle, R.G.  & Sherbert, D.R. (2011). Introduction to
               comparison tests, the ratio and root tests, alternating series   real analysis, John Wiley & Sons (4  edition).
               test, absolute and conditionally convergence, power series,   4.   Lay,  S.R.  (2014).    Analysis  with  an  introduction  to
               Taylor  and  Maclaurin  series.  Vectors,  Dot  product,  Cross   proof, Pearson (5  edition).
               Product  and  triple  Product,  lines  and  planes.  Polar
               coordinates. Cyclinder and quadric surfaces.
               Vector-valued  functions  and  space  curves,  differentiation   SIM2002    LINEAR ALGEBRA
               and  integration  of  vector  valued  functions.  Functions  of
               several  variables,  limits  and  continuity  in  higher   Vector  spaces  and  subspaces,  basis  and  dimension,  the
               dimensions.                                     row  space  and  column  space,  rank  and  nullity.  Linear
                                                               transformations,  kernel  and  range,  composition  and
               Assessment:                                     isomorphism,   matrix   representation,   similarity   and
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                diagonalizability, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.
               Final Examination:           60%
               Medium of Instruction:                          Continuous Assessment:       40%
               English                                         Final Examination:           60%

               Humanity Skill:                                 Medium of Instruction:
               CT3, LL2                                        English

               References:                                     Humanity Skill:
               1.   Weir,  Maurice  D.,  Hass,  J.  and  Giordano,  Frank  R.   CS3, CT3, LL2
                   (2010) Thomas' Calculus, Pearson Education, Inc (12
                   edition).                                   References:
               2.   Stewart,  J.  (2015).  Calculus,  Cengage  Learning  (8th.   1.   Larson,  R.  (2013).  Elementary  Linear  Algebra,
                   edition).                                       Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning (7  edition).
               3.   Adams, Robert A. and Essex, C. (2013). Calculus: A   2.   Axler, S (2015). Linear Algebra Done Right, Springer
                   complete  course,  Pearson  Education  (8   edition  with   (3  edition).
                   MyMathLab).                                 3.   Hoffman, K. M. and Kunze, R. (1971). Linear Algebra,
               4.   R.T.  Smith,  R.T.  and  Minton,  R.B.  (2012).    Calculus,   Pearson (2  edition).
                   McGraw-Hill (4  edition).                   4.   S.H.  Friedberg,  S.H.,  Insel,  A.J.  and  Spence,  L.E.
                                                                   (2003). Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall (4th edition).
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