Page 38 - handbook 20152016
P. 38
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
Collision involving metastable ion/atom, Processes due to electrode The -3dB frequencies. The Bode plot. The operational amplifier topics
effect covering the basic building block circuits of operational amplifiers
Characteristics of Plasma; including the inverting and non-inverting amplifiers.
Plasma potential, Debye shielding, Plasma sheath, Plasma frequency, Current to voltage and voltage to current converters. Subtracting and
Electrical conductivity, Effect of magnetic field, Diffusion summing circuits. Integrators and differentiators. Analysis and
Electrical Discharges in Gases; applications to comparators. Oscillators. Active filters. Analogue
I-V characteristics of gaseous discharge, Townsend theory of gaseous computers. The power amplifiers including the classification of A, B,
discharge, Breakdown criterion, Paschen law, Breakdown potential, AB, C and D. The A.C. load line. The push and pull concept. Cross-
Glowing gaseous discharge, Arc discharge, Corona discharge, Pulsed over distortion. Efficiency calculations and comparison. Introduction to
discharge, The structure of glowing discharge, Cathode fall theory of digital electronics. Basic gates. Multivibrator circuits.
normal glow discharge, Negative glow, Positive column and its theory,
Hot cathode discharge Assessment Method:
Electric probe Final Examination: 60%
Thermodynamics of ionized gas; Continuous Assessment: 40%
Real gas effect, Equation of state, The Law of Mass Action, Departure
coefficient, Thermodynamic functions expressed in term of z, Saha Medium of Instruction:
equation, Enthalpy equation English
Survey of plasma applications
Assessment Method: CS2, CTPS3, LL2
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40% References:
1. R. Boylestad & L. Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit
Medium of Instruction: Theory, 11th ed. (Prentice Hall, 2012)
English 2. T.L. Floyd & D. Buchla, Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits,
Devices, and Applications (Prentice Hall, 2013)
Soft-skills: 3. A.P. Malvino & D. Bates, Electronic Principles with simulation CD
CS2, CTPS3, LL2 (McGraw-Hill Education, 2015)
4. A.J. Diefenderfer & B.E. Holton, Principles of Electronic
References: Instrumentation, 3rd Edition (Saunders Coll. Publ., 1994)
1. Theory of Gas Discharge Plasma (Springer, 2013)
2. Fundamentals of Ionized Gases: Basic Topics in Plasma Physics SIF2021 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (3 CREDITS)
(Wiley-VCH, 2011) Digital number system: binary, octal, hexadecimal, binary coded
3. Plasma Physics: An Introduction, by Richard Fitzpatrick (CRC decimal
Press, 2014) Logic gates: AND, OR NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR; logic gates TTL
4. Yu P. Raizer, Gas Discharge Physics (Springer, 1997 reprint) Logic circuits: Boolean algebra, truth table for Boolean expression,
derivation circuit from Boolean expression
SIF3009 PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY(3 CREDITS) Karnaugh map simplification with three, four and five variables
Fundamentals of plasma physics and introduction to plasma TTL chip specification, CMOS, interface,
technology. Methods of plasma generation in direct current, alternating Schmitt Trigger: Function and functional
current and pulsed mode. Plasma diagnostics. Physics and technology Combinational logic circuit: half adders, full adder, binary multiplication
of non-thermal plasmas and pulsed plasmas. Application of plasma Sequential logic: SR, JK, D, T flip flops
technology: plasma processing, plasma-based lighting systems, Register: parallel, series, shifter, ring counter, frequency divider
plasma medicine, and concept of plasma fusion. Memory: RAM, ROM, PROM etc
Digital device, PLD, PAL, PLC, micro-controller
Assessment Method: Analog digital interface
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40% Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction: Continuous Assessment: 40%
Medium of Instruction:
Soft-skills: English
CS3, CTPS3, LL2, EM1
References: CS2, CTPS3, LL2, EM1
1. Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion. Volume 1,
Plasma physics (Springer; 2nd edition, 2006) References:
2. Theory of Gas Discharge Plasma (Springer, 2013) 1. Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 11 edition (Pearson,
3. Principles of Plasma Diagnostics by I. H. Hutchinson 2014)
(Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition, 2005) 2. R.L. Tokheim, Digital Electronics: Principles and applications, 8th
4. High Temperature Plasmas (Wiley-VCH, 2011) ed. (Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2013)
5. An Indispensable Truth: How Fusion Power Can Save the 3. W. Kleitz, Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals: Theory and
Planet (Springer, 2011) Applications, 4th ed. (Pearson Education Int’l, 2003)
6. Michael Keidar and Isak Beilis, Plasma Engineering: 4. P.P.W. Chandana, Digital systems fundamentals (Prentice Hall,
Applications from Aerospace to Bio and Nanotechnology 2002)
(Academic Press, 2013) 5. Anant Agarwal, Jeffrey Lang, Foundations of Analog and Digital
7. Alexander Piel, Plasma Physics: An Introduction to Laboratory, Electronic Circuits (Morgan Kaufmann, 2015)
Space, and Fusion Plasmas (Springer, 2014) 6. Roger Tokheim, Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications
(McGraw-Hill, 2013)
The synopsis of Field Effect Transistors (FET) and various FET (JFET SIF3010 MICROPROCESSOR (3 CREDITS)
& MOSFET). Small-signal A.C. equivalent circuits for FET. gm A.C. Calculation using various number systems- binary, octal, hexadecimal,
small signal model. Input and output impedances calculation. Voltage binary coded decimal, calculation using the ASCII code. Introduction to
and current gains calculation. The frequency response of circuits. The microprocessors: Basic definitions, word length, concept of addresses,
capacitive effects. The definition of dB unit. data bus, address bus, and control bus, programming, microprocessor