Page 101 - handbook 20162017
P. 101

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                                             BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MICROBIOLOGY
                                                      SESSION 2016/2017
                                                        (123 CREDITS)
                1. UNIVERSITY COURSES (20 CREDITS)
                   COURSE CODE                           COURSE NAME                            CREDITS
                GIG 1001           Islamic and Asian Civilization (TITAS)                          2
                GIG 1002  or       Ethnic Relations /  Introduction to Malaysia (*only for international students)  2
                *GIG 1006
                GIG 1003           Basic Entrepreneurship Culture                                  2
                GIX 1004           Information Literacy                                            2
                GIG 1005           Social Engagement                                               2
                GLT xxxx          English Courses (subject to MUET bands)                          6
                GKN/GKR or         Co-Curriculum                                                   2
                GIx xxxx           External-Faculty Elective Courses (KELF)                        2
                2. CORE COURSES (69 CREDITS)
                  (I) FACULTY CORE COURSES (8 CREDITS) [TF]
                   COURSE CODE                            COURSE NAME                            CREDITS
                SIX 1001           Introduction to Science and Technology Studies                  3
                SIX 1002           Ethics and Safety                                               2
                SIX 1003           Biostatistics                                                   3
                  (II) PROGRAMME CORE COURSES (61 CREDITS) [TP]

                   COURSE CODE                COURSE NAME                  PRE-REQUISITES       CREDITS

                LEVEL 1 (12 Credits)
                SIJ 1001         Life Processes                                                    2
                SIL 1001         Cell Biology                                                      2
                SIE 1001         Biology of Organisms                                              2
                SIH 1001         Population Biology                                                2
                SIK 1001         Biology Practical                                                 2
                SIC 1001         Principle of Chemistry                                            2
                LEVEL 2 (33 Credits)
                SIL 2003         Microbial Genetics                     SIL1001                    3
                SIL 2009         Recombinant  DNA Technology            SIL1001                    3
                                                                        SIL1001 and
                SIR 2001         Eukaryotic Microorganisms              SIE1001; for Microbiology  3
                                                                        students only
                                 Instrumentation, Microbiology Methods and Data  SIE1001 and SIR2004; for
                SIR 2002                                                                           3
                                 Management                             Microbiology students only
                SIR 2004         General Microbiology                   SIJ1001                    3
                SIR 2005         Bacteriology I                         SIE1001                    3
                SIR 2006         Bacteriology II                        SIE1001                    3
                SIR 2007         Virology                               SIR2004                    3
                SIR 2008         Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry  SIJ1001                    3
                SIR 2009         Microbial Ecology                      SIE1001                    3
                                                                        SIL 1001; for Microbiology
                SIR 2010         Immunology                             students only              3
                LEVEL 3 (16 Credits)
                                                                        SIR2003 and SIR3006; required
                SIR 3002         Industrial Training in Microbiology    duration of training is at  7
                                                                        minimum of 12 weeks
                SIR 3004         Scientific Communication in Microbiology  SIR2004                  3
                SIR 3005         Industrial and Environmental Microbiology  SIR2004                 3
                SIR 3006         Public Health Microbiology             SIR2005 and SIR2007         3
                3.      ELECTIVE COURSES (34 CREDITS)
                SIR 2003         Food Microbiology                      SIR2004 and                 3
                SIR 3001         Research Project in Microbiology       SIR2002 and SIR2004         8
                SIR 3007         Advanced Food Microbiology             SIR2003                     3
                SIR 3008         Pharmaceutical Microbiology            SIR2008                     3
                SIR 3009         Microbial  Pathogenesis                SIR2004 and SIR2010         3
                SIR 3010         Diagnostic Microbiology                SIR2004 and SIR2007         3

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