Page 14 - handbook 20162017
P. 14
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017
CS 7 The ability to develop Team Work Skills
communication skills Team Work Skills involves the ability to
cooperate with others from various
CS 8 The ability to use non- sociocultural background to achieve
verbal skills similar goals. The explanation of the 5
levels of Team Work Skills is a follows:
Level Skills Explanation
Critical Thinking And Problem Solving
TS 1 KIM The ability to build to
Thinking skills and problem solving skills good relations, interact
involve the ability to think critically, with others and work
creatively , innovatively, analytically as effectively with them to
well as the ability to apply understanding achieve the same
and knowledge to new and different objectives
problems. The explanation of the 7 levels
of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving TS 2 KIM The ability to
skills are as follows:
understand and
Level Skills Explanation interchange roles
between that of a team
CTPS 1 KIM The ability to identify leader and a team
and analyse problems member
in complex and vague
situations, as well as TS 3 KIM The ability to recognize
to make justified and respect the
evaluations attitude, behavior and
beliefs of others
CTPS 2 KIM The ability to develop
and improve thinking TS 4 The ability to contribute
skills such as to towards the planning
explain, analyse and and coordination of the
evaluate discussions. team’s efforts
CTPS 3 KIM The ability to find TS 5 Be responsible for the
ideas and alternative group’s decision
CTPS 4 The ability to think out Life long Learning and Information involves
of the box learning to be independent to gain skills and
new knowledge. The explanation
CTPS 5 The ability to make Management are as follows:
decisions based on Level Skills Explanation
concrete evidence
LL 1 KIM The ability to search
CTPS 6 The ability to and manage relevant
persevere as well as Information from
to fully concentrate on different sources
a given task
LL 2 KIM The ability to accept
CTPS 7 The ability to new ideas and the
understand and to fit capability for
in with the culture of autonomous learning
the community and
new work LL 3 KIM The ability to develop a
environment curious mind and the
thirst for knowledge