Page 94 - handbook 20162017
P. 94

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                               SUGGESTED LIST OF COURSES ACCORDING TO SEMESTER, 2016/2017 SESSION
                                                    (PLANNING OF COURSES)

                                                SEMESTER 1                 SEMESTER 2
                     COMPONENTS                                                                   TOTAL
                                            COURSES       CREDITS       COURSES       CREDITS
                University Courses      GLT100X (3)           7     GLT100X (3)          11        18
                                        GIG1002/1006 (2)            GIG1001 (2)
                                        GIG1003                     GIG1005 (2)
                                                                    GIG1004 (2)
                                                                    GIX **** (2)

                Faculty Core Courses (TF)  SIX1001/SIX1003 (3)  3   SIX1001/SIX1003 (3)  3          6

                Programme Core Courses  SIJ1001 (2)           6     SIL1001 (2)          4         10
                (TP)                    SIE1001 (2)                 SIK1001 (2)
                                        SIH1001 (2)

                Faculty Electives Courses  -                  0     #Courses from other  2          2
                (EF)                                                Department / Institute
                                        -                           -
                Programme Elective Courses

                TOTAL CREDITS                                16                          20        36

                                                SEMESTER 3                 SEMESTER 4
                      COMPONENTS                                                                  TOTAL
                                            COURSES       CREDITS       COURSES       CREDITS

                University Courses      -                    0      -                    0          0

                Faculty Core Courses (TF)  SIX1002           2      -                    0          2

                Programme Core Courses  SIE2002 (4)          12     SIE2001 (4)          14        26
                (TP)                    SIE2003 (4)                 SIE2004 (3)
                                        SIE2005 (4)                 SIE2006 (3)
                                                                    SIE2007 (4)

                Faculty Electives Courses (EF)  -            0      -                    0          0
                Programme Elective Courses  SIE2008 (3)      6      SIE2009 (3)          6         12
                (EP)                    SIE2010 (3)                 SIE2012 (3)
                                        SIE2011 (3)                 SIE2013 (3)
                                        Choose any 2                Choose any 2 courses

                TOTAL CREDITS                                20                          20        40

   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99