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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Ecology and inheritance which include Extensions to Mendelian
Biodiversity, Science and Environmental Management. Inheritance Concept (Epistasis, Sex linkage), Sex
Students are accepted into one of these programmes on influenced inheritance and Pedigree analyses. At the
the following criteria: (1) merit; (2) capacity ; (3) completion end of this component students will be exposed to
of all pre-requisites for year 1 courses. topics such as Human Genetics, Genetic Counselling
and finally a brief introduction to Population Genetics
RESEARCH AREAS and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.
ii) Cell Biology
Researchers in ISB carry out research in many different This component will discuss on the basic structures and
areas. Examples include biodiversity and plant functions of organelles and also processes involving
conservation, plant and environmental ecology, genetics mitosis and meiosis.Students will also be introduced to
(human and biochemical), plant and animal breeding, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; and the differences
cytogenetics, immunology, biohealth sciences, bioassays, between these two types of cells.
cancer studies, genetic engineering and recombinant DNA iii) Molecular Biology
technology, animal and plant virology, bacteriology, In this component, students will first be refreshed on
microbiology (industrial, food, medical, environmental), basic aspects of molecular genetics (Historical account,
animal biotechnology, neurobiology, biosystematics, direct and indirect evidences of DNA as genetic
applied entomology, pest control, fresh and marine water materials, structure and properties of DNA, DNA
management, applied toxicology. replication, transcription and translation in prokaryotes
and how to decipher genetics codes). The component
JOB OPPORTUNITIES will later discusses on regulation of gene expression in
prokaryotes (lac operon, catabolite repression and trp
Our BSc graduates are employed in the education, operon and attenuation), control by sigma factor, anti-
business, management, administration sectors. Some termination, post-transcriptional control of RNA (trans-
choose to further their studies either locally or abroad, and and cis-acting regulators), riboswitch as ribozymes and
may one day return to ISB to become academicians or finally the applications of these knowledge in DNA
researchers. Others are gainfully employed in local or recombinant technology.
overseas research institutes.
Assessment Methods:
COURSE SYNOPSES Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
Medium of Instruction:
This course discusses the structures and roles of chemical Soft Skills:
components of the cell at the atom, molecule and CTPS1
macromolecule level. Students will also learn about
enzymes including catalysis, types and control of activity. References:
This course also covers membrane biology, photosynthesis 1. Principles of Genetics 6th Edition (Snustad and
system and cell respiration as well as growth and Simmons, 2011). Wiley Publications
development of animals and plants. 2. GenesX I (Lewin, 2014)
3. Becker, Smith and Hardin (2010). The world of the cell
Assessment Methods: (8th edition). Pearson Education Inc. Publ.
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction:
English Characteristics of living organisms; classification based on
evolution, morphology and molecular biology; naming of
Soft Skills: organisms based on the binomial system; description of the
CS3, CT2, LL3 major taxa from virus, bacteria, protist, fungi, bryophytes,
ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms, to invertebrate and
References: vertebrate animals; adaptations, life cycles and inter-
1. Brooker, R.J., Widmaier, E.P., Graham, L.E. & relationships among organisms.
Stiling,P.E. (2010). Biology. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill: New
York. Assessment Methods:
2. Garrett, R.H. & Grisham, C.M. (2001). Principles of Continuous Assessment: 50%
Biochemistry with a Human Focus. Brooks Cole. Final Examination: 50%
3. Rost, T.L., Barbour, M.G., Stocking, C.R. & Murphy, T.M. Medium of Instruction:
(2006). Plant Biology. 2nd ed. Brooks Cole. English
Soft Skills:
This course is divided into three components namely th
Genetics, Cell Biology and Molecular Biology. Content of 1. Urry et al. 2017. Campbell Biology (11 edition).
each is stated below: Pearson. 1488 pp.
i) Genetics: 2. Solomon, E., Berg, L. & Martin, D.W. 2014. Biology
This component comprises of quick introduction of (10 ed). Brooks Cole. 1440 pp.
Mendel’s Law, the concept of alleles, loci, genes and 3. Barnes, R.S.K. 1998. The Diversity of Living
chromosomes and test crosses. Students will be first Organisms. Blackwell Science. 345 pp.
refreshed on probability calculations, the Punnet 4. Brooker et al. 2014. Biology. McGraw-Hill Higher
square and linkage&mapping methods. The Education
component will later discusses deeper topics of