Page 44 - ASEP_EBOOK_V10
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In order to achieve these goals within                                                      local            stewardship                      and            sustainable

              the  scope  of  the  four-day  program,  ASEP                                                    management  in  safeguarding  rainforest

              2018  was  conducted  through  a  series  of                                                     gifts for future generations.

              site  visits  and  community  engagement                                                         (6) Mah Meri Aboriginal Village, Carey Island

              projects at several biodiversity and cultural                                                    –  preserves  indigenous  knowledge  and

              sites  within  the  State  of  Selangor  and                                                     cultural  heritage,  emphasizing  the  spiritual

              Wilayah  Persekutuan  Kuala  Lumpur  and                                                         connection  between  humans  and  nature

              Putrajaya. Through these curated activities,                                                     and  promoting  respect  for  the  rainforest's

              the participants of ASEP 2018 were led on a                                                      gifts  through  traditional  practices  and

              journey  to  discover  the  beauty  of  the                                                      environmental stewardship.

              natural  environment  in  Malaysia,  which                                                                 The  first  day  of  ASEP  2018  began  on

              would  help  them  unearth  the  many  gifts                                                     August  2nd  as  all  participants  arrived  in

              that  planet  Earth  has  given  to  humanity.                                                   Kuala           Lumpur                and           gathered                within

              These locations include:                                                                         Universiti  Malaya.  The  day  commenced

                                                                                                               with a profound exploration of Rimba Ilmu,

              (1) Rimba Ilmu, Universiti Malaya – serves as                                                    a  botanical  sanctuary  nestled  within  the

              a         living            example                  of          biodiversity                    esteemed confines of the Universiti Malaya

              conservation,                     showcasing                     a        diverse                campus.  Established  in  1974,  spanning  an

              collection of flora from tropical rainforests                                                    expanse of 80 hectares, this verdant oasis

              and  fostering  cross-cultural  exchange                                                         nurtures  a  diverse  collection  of  1600  flora

              among  students  to  appreciate  the  gift  of                                                   species,  symbolizing  the  rich  biodiversity

              nature.                                                                                          inherent to tropical rainforests. As the sole

              (2)  Putrajaya  Wetlands  Park  –  embodies                                                      university-maintained  botanical  garden  in

              the  importance  of  wetland  ecosystems  in                                                     Kuala  Lumpur,  Rimba  Ilmu  serves  as  a

              preserving  biodiversity  and  providing                                                         testament                     to           Universiti                  Malaya’s

              essential  ecosystem  services,  highlighting                                                    commitment  to  preserving  its  natural

              the  significance  of  sustainable  urban                                                        heritage.  Guided  by  Malaysian  students

              planning                   in            harmonizing                       human                 themselves,  the  international  participants

              development with natural environments.                                                           embarked  on  a  tour  through  the  garden's

              (3)         Firefly           Rehabilitation                    in       Tanjung                 exhibition                area            and            garden.               They

              Belustas,  Kuala  Selangor  –  demonstrates                                                      encountered  a  plethora  of  native  tropical

              efforts  to  restore  degraded  habitats  and                                                    plants  such  as  medicinal  plants,  palm

              conserve endangered species, showcasing                                                          groves,  citrus  orchards,  and  bamboo

              the  potential  for  human  intervention  to                                                     thickets.              Notably,                the          garden              also

              positively impact rainforest ecosystems.                                                         showcased  a  curated  selection  of  flora

              (4)  Forest  Research  Institute  of  Malaysia                                                   sourced  from  Tropical  Asia,  the  Pacific

              (FRIM) in Kepong – insights into sustainable                                                     Islands,  Australia,  South  America,  Africa,

              forest  management  practices  and  the                                                          and            Madagascar,                       underscoring                       its

              importance  of  research  in  understanding                                                      significance  as  a  repository  of  global

              and            conserving                   tropical              rainforests,                   botanical  diversity,  aptly  embodying  the

              emphasizing  the  role  of  science  and                                                         theme  of  "A  Gift  from  Tropical  Rainforest."

              education in preserving natural gifts.                                                           Following  this  enlightening  excursion,  all

              (5)            Sijangkang                     Village                Mangrove                    attendees  convened  again  at  the  UMCIC

              Recreational                       Park               –            showcases                     building  for  the  formal  opening  ceremony.

              community-driven  conservation  efforts                                                          The opening ceremony began with a series

              and            the            resilience                 of          mangrove                    of  introductory  speeches  from  the  ASEP

              ecosystems, highlighting the importance of                                                       2018 coordinator and esteemed Japanese

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