Page 88 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024
                                                              Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               Assessment Methods:                              SIO 3022    MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY
               Continuous Assessment:   60%
               Final Examinations:    40%                       Marine  Biotechnology  is  defined  as  “the  use  of  marine
                                                                organisms or their parts in industrial products, medicine or
                                                                processes”.   Topics  taught  include  the  application  of
               SIO 3017     FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY                  biotechnology  in  marine  resource,  environment  and
                                                                ecosystem management, the development and discovery
               Introduction to food biotechnology and its application will be   of marine natural and biotechnological products, as well as
               focused  for  Malaysian food  industry.  The  role  of  fungi  in   the  application  of  current  technologies  such  as  omics
               fermented  food  and  Asian  delicacies  as  local  functional   technologies in ensuring marine sustainability in the face of
               food. In terms of problem solving, food invention product   climate change and other marine-related issues.
               development  is  presented  at  the  end  of  the  course.  The
               principle and technique of food microbiology in laboratory   Assessment Methods:
               scale for simple quality control is also included.   Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                Final Examination:   60%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                       SIO 3023    PLANT GENETICS AND BREEDING
               Final Examination:    40%

                                                                This course introduces the fundamental principles of plant
                                                                genetics  and  breeding  that  are  applicable  to  agricultural
               SIO 3018    RESEARCH PROJECT IN                  systems.  It  covers  an  array  of  topics  such  as  plant
                          BIOTECHNOLOGY                         reproduction system, breeding methods for self-pollinated
                                                                and cross-pollinated crops, and the strategies in developing
               The student will carry out a research project and then write   breeding objectives to maximize selection and improve the
               a thesis, guided by one or two supervisors. The student is   key traits of crops.
               encouraged  to  write  a  project  proposal  which  includes
               sections on literature review and materials and methods,
               before commencing the actual research. The project covers   Assessment Methods:
               two semesters (I and II or II and III). The thesis should be   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               submitted in either semester II or semester III, respectively.

               Assessment Methods:                              SIO 3024    POSTHARVEST PROCESS ENGINEERING
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                             AND TECHNOLOGY

                                                                This  course  provides  an  overview  of  the  issue  of
               SIO 3019    ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEED            postharvest  losses  by  exploring  essential  physical,
                          TECHNOLOGY                            technical,  and  social  dimensions  of  postharvest  supply
                                                                chains  and  loss  prevention  methods  globally.  It  is  well
               This  course  is  designed  to  provide  students  the   known fact that more than a third of what is produced in the
               fundamental concept of nutrition for farm animals including   farm is lost even before it reaches the consumer. This issue
               aquatic animals, ruminants and poultry. Focus will be given   is a core problem that is a critical global food security and
               on dietary aspects for the animals incuding their nutrition   sustainability issue.
               requirement and metabolisms. This course also emphasize
               on  ways  to  maximise  the  quality  of  animal  feed  for   Assessment Methods:
               productive manufacturing and healthier animals.   Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                Final Examination:   60%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:   50%                         SIO 3025    SECONDARY METABOLITES AND

               SIO 3020    AQUACULTURE BIOTECHNOLOGY            This  course  describes  the  classification  of  secondary

               This  course  address  the  aspects  of  genetics  and   metabolites,  its  biosynthetic  pathways,  and  relationship
               biotechnology  application  in  aquaculture.  Students  will   between  primary  and  secondary  metabolites.  The
               learn the basic reproduction physiology of aquatic animals,   importance and application of secondary metabolites will be
               the importance of selective breeding, and new approach of   discussed. It also explains the methods of extraction and
               gene transfer including transgenic application.   identification  of  secondary  metabolites.  Moreover,  this
                                                                course  will  introduce  students  to  metabolomics  and
               Assessment Methods:                              biotechnological  approaches  to  increase  secondary
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     metabolites production.
               Final Examination:   50%
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               SIO 3021    FERMENTATION AND PRODUCT             Final Examination:   60%


               Introduction  to  bioseparation  and  characteristics  of   SIO 3026    SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS
               biological  products.  Methods  of  recovery,  isolation,
               purification and polishing of bioproducts.       This  course  introduces  the  main  components  of  food
                                                                systems, demonstrating the complexity and relationships of
               Assessment Methods:                              different  food  system  types  that  connect  society  to  the
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                     environment  in  various  ways  within  a  globalized  world.
               Final Examination:   40%                         Students  will  learn  the  issues  surrounding  food  security
                                                                through  the  lens  of  biology,  agroecology,  anthropology,
                                                                environmental  sociology,  and  nutrition.  This  will  help

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