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                            Research News@FASS

                                      Online Research Workshop 2020

                                           11th December 2020, FASS
                                                 9:00 – 12:00 noon

       Faculty  of  Arts  and  Social  Sciences  (FASS)
       organized  an  Online  Research  Workshop  2020
       on the 11th of December 2020. Three speakers
       were  invited  to  speak.  They  are  Professor  Dr.
       Azizan  Abu  Samah,  Associate  Professor  Dr.
       Hanafi  Hussin  and  Associate  Professor  Dr.
       Nanthakumar      Loganathan     (from   Azman
       Hashim      International   Business     School,
       Universiti   Teknologi    Malaysia).   Professor
       Azizan’s  talk  gave  an  introduction  and  an
       overview  on  various  research  grants  available
       for  application  namely  FRGS,  LRGS  and  TRGS
       grants  and  their  requirements.  Associate
       Professor  Dr.  Hanafi  gave  a  talk  on  ‘How  to
       secure  a  research  grant’  based  on  his  personal
       experiences in applying for a research grant as
       Dr. Hanafi is the only academic staff from FASS
       that managed to secure a FRGS research grant
       in 2020. The third speaker, Associate Professor
       Dr, Nanthakumar Loganthan spoke on “Writing
       a  Winning  FRGS  Proposal  &  How  to  Avoid
       Knockout  Situation?  Basic  Elements.  Our
       anticipation is that, in the future more Faculty
       members will apply for various grants.

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