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             History of animal, 75                        Innovations in teaching and learning, 110
             History of education in Malaysia, 73         Intangible knowledge conservation, 20
             History of Egypt, 73                         Intelligence history, 75
             History of health in Malaysia, 80            Inter-Korean relations, 37
             History of Islam in Malaysia, 73             International business, 42
             History of Malaysia, 80                      International development, 38
             History of modern India, 75                  International migration, 19
             History of Pahang, 71, 77                    International relations, 38, 95, 96, 142
             History of science, 81                       Intersectionality, 87
             History of the Malacca Sultanate, 77         Irregular migrants, 148
             History of the Malay Sultanate, 77
             History of the Middle East, 73               J
             History of Turkey, 73                        Japanese culture, 41
             HIV/AIDS, 124
             Hong Lou Meng, 26                            Japanese economic politics, 36
             Hong Lou Meng Research Centre, 26            Japanese local government, 36
                                                          Japanese politics, 36
             Human capital, 132                           Japanese society, 41
             Human development, 20                        Journal studies, 101
             Human rights, 94, 98, 99, 135
             Human trafficking, 98                        Journalism, 109, 115
                                                          Journalism ethics, 118
             Human-water interactions, 60
             I                                            K
                                                          Korean foreign policy, 37
             Identity, 15, 44, 48                         Korean organizational culture, 42
             Ideology, 114
             Immigration, 74                              Korean studies, 38, 40
             Imperialism, 70
             Inclusivity, 17                              L
             India-China relations, 99                    Labour force participation, 132
             Indian civilization, 85, 91                  Land, 74
             Indian culture, 91                           Land use change, 56, 93
             Indians, 70                                  Language teaching and learning, 23
             Indigenous communities in Borneo, 148        Leadership, 13, 127, 146
             Indigenous knowledge, 20                     Left-wing movements, 27
             Indigenous minority rights, 17               Lexical morphology, 86
             Indigenous people, 121, 146                  Library services & information management, 107
             Indigenous peoples of Sabah, 18              Lidar image processing & analysis, 65
             Indigenous studies, 147                      Lifestyle, 15
             Indonesia, 82, 134                           Linguistic, 32, 86
             Infectious disease, 74                       Literary criticism, 23
             Information behaviour, 101                   Literary landscapes, 53
             Information knowledge and services, 106      Literary representations, 48
             Information literacy, 103, 106               Literary translation, 23
             Information repository and retrieval, 104    Literature, 50, 85
             Information services, 102                    Literatures in translation, 46
             Information services for rural advancement, 107  Loanword phonology, 86
             Information systems, 105                     Local government, 74

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