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Rules & Regulations
The rules and regulations that bind all the academic programme offered are being constantly
updated from time to time. Students are advised to refer to the Universiti Malaya
(Bachelor’s Degree) Rules 2019 and Universiti Malaya (Bachelor’s Degree) Regulations
2019 in the University’s website under the Student Portal (MyUM) for details and latest
updates pertaining to their programme of study.
Attendance in Programme of Study
(1) It is compulsory for a student to attend all teaching and learning activities related to his
programme of study.
(2) A student who does not attend any teaching and learning activities is required to inform
the reason for his absence to the teacher immediately together with the relevant
supporting documents. The teacher shall inform the student of the consequences of being
absent and is responsible to keep the reason of the notification and class attendance.
(3) A student may with the approval of the Faculty undergo a part of the degree programme
of study at other university or institution.
Termination of Programme of Study on Medical Reason
A student, whose withdrawal from a semester has been approved on medical reason for four
(4) Normal Semesters consecutively, may be terminated from his programme of study for the
following semester upon being certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner of the University
Student Health Clinic/government hospital/teaching hospital/University of Malaya Medical
Centre/Private Medical Centre after the student’s case has been re-examined by the
Registered Medical Practitioner concerned.
Course Registration
(1) A student is required to register for courses in accordance with the stage of study that has
been prescribed. The stage of study is determined by the number of credits that has been
registered by the student as follows:
Stage of Study Number of Credits
Beginning 35 credits and below
Middle 36 – 75 credits
Final 76 credits and above
(2) A student is required to pursue his programme of study based on the structure of the
programme of study as prescribed by the Faculty and approved by the Senate. Any
courses registered other than prescribed in the programme of study structure will not be
considered for the purposes of fulfilment of the degree.