Page 34 - sains_eksesais
P. 34

                                                                                                   SARJANA MUDA SAINS SUKAN (SAINS EKSESAIS) SESI AKADEMIK 2018/2019
                                                                   communicate with clarity in collaborative       A’ Levels (University of Cambridge,
                                                                   discussions.                                     London) Minimum B & A

                                                                   This course is designed to equip students with
                                                                   the necessary writing skills to meet the needs

                          GLT1015: Advanced Professional           of the workplace. Students will also be taught
                          Writing                                  to produce clear, accurate and well organised
                   14.    3 Credits                                professional business documents. Students
                                                                   will be required to analyse and respond to a
                                                                   variety of situations and to write for identified
                                 Offered Only in Semester 2
                                                                   audiences. The course also explores the ways
                                                                   in which technology helps shape business
                                                                   writing and communication.
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