Page 25 - E-BOOK_konvokesyen_Universiti_Malaya_2019
P. 25
Penerima Ijazah Sarjana Muda akan turut Recipients of the Bachelor’s degree wear
memakai sehelai selendang berwarna biru hoods of dark blue colour, lined with silk. Hoods
gelap yang dialas dengan kain sutera. Bagi of the Masters and Doctoral Degree recipients
penerima Ijazah Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah, have a wider silk lining and are circular in
selendang mereka berbeza dengan bahagian shape. The colour of the silk lining indicates the
belakang yang beralas kain sutera agak recipient’s respective academy/faculty/institute/
besar dan berbentuk bulat. Kain sutera bagi centre.
kesemua penerima ijazah adalah mengikut
warna akademi/fakulti/institut/pusat masing- Recipients of Bachelor’s and Master’s
masing. degree and Diploma use a black mortar board
as headgear. The mortar board, which is
square-shaped, comes with a tassel which is
Penerima Ijazah Sarjana, Ijazah Sarjana
placed on the left side of the headgear prior
Muda dan Diploma akan memakai sejenis topi
to the convocation. Recipients of a Doctoral
hitam berbentuk empat segi di bahagian atas
Degree wear a bonnet. The colour of the tassel
dan berumbai hitam. Sebelum penganugerahan
on the bonnet varies according to the recipient’s
ijazah, rumbai hitam diletak di sebelah kiri
topi. Bagi menutup bahagian kepala, penerima
Doktor Falsafah akan memakai bonnet
berwarna hitam. Rumbai pada bonnet pula
mengikut warna akademi/ fakulti/ institut/
pusat masing-masing.