Page 8 - UNDERGRADUATE International Student Booklet
P. 8


       Accredited/ Professional
      Academic Programmes

           Institution Of        Royal Society of       Royal Institution of    Royal Institute of
        Chemical Engineering     Chemistry (RSC)       Chartered Surveyors,    British Architects
             (IChemE),         1. Bachelor of Science    United Kingdom          (RIBA),  United
          United Kingdom          in Chemistry        1. Bachelor of Building      Kingdom
      1. Bachelor of Chemical  2. Bachelor of Science     Surveying              1. Bachelor of Science
         Engineering               in Applied Chemistry  2. Bachelor of Quantity     in Architecture
      2. Bachelor of Engineering                          Surveying             (Part I)
          (Chemical)                                  3. Bachelor of Real

                                 Washington Accord
                             1. Bachelor of Biomedical                         Board of Quantity
                                Engineering                                    Surveyors, Malaysia
                             2. Bachelor of Chemical   Board of Architects   1. Bachelor of Quantity
       The Pacific Association      Engineering              Malaysia            Surveying
        of Quantity Surveyors  3. Bachelor of Civil   1. Bachelor of Science
       1. Bachelor of Quantity      Engineering          in Architecture
          Surveying          4. Bachelor of Electrical
                             5. Bachelor of Mechanical
                             6. Bachelor of Engineering
                                 (Chemical)                                     Board of Valuers,
                             7. Bachelor of Engineering                        Appraisers, Estate
                                 (Electrical)           Royal Institution of   Agents and Property
                             8. Bachelor of Engineering  Surveyors Malaysia    Managers Malaysia
                                 (Mechanical)                (RISM)               (BOVAEA)
                             9. Bachelor of Engineering
          Pharmacy Board                              1.  Bachelor of Building  1. Bachelor of Real
             Malaysia            (Telecommunication)      Surveying             Estate
       1. Bachelor of        10. Bachelor of Engineering  2. Bachelor or Real
          Pharmacy (Hons)          (Manufacturing)        Estate
                             11. Bachelor of Biomedical
                                 and Orthotics)

                                                                               Malaysian Medical
                                                                                 Council (MMC)
                                                       Society of Actuaries  1. Bachelor in Medicine
             Board of                                 1. Bachelor of Actuarial     and Bachelor in
           Town Planners                                 Science                Surgery (MBBS)
       1. Bachelor of Urban &
          Regional Planning
                               Association to Advance
                                Collegiate Schools of
                                 Business (AACSB)
                              1.  Bachelor of Finance
                              2. Bachelor of Business
                                  Administration         Nursing Board          Legal Profession
                              3. Bachelor of Accounting     Malaysia           Qualifying Board,
          Malaysian Dental                            1. Bachelor of Nursing       Malaysia
           Council (MDC)                                 Science             1. Bachelor of Laws
       1. Bachelor of Dental                                                 2. Bachelor of
          Surgery                                                                Jurisprudence
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