Page 28 - AEI Insights 2019 - Vol. 5, Issue 1
P. 28

AEI Insights, Vol 5, Issue 1, 2019

               The Political Rationale

               The  political  rationale  was  ranked  at  fourth  place  among  all  rationale.  Only  7  out  of  15
               administrators  specified  that  the  political  rationale  is  significant  for  internationalisation  of
               higher education in Malaysia although some administrators mentioned that these four rationale
               are important without ranking them accordingly. Many administrators agreed that the political
               mandate from the Minister in charge of higher education is crucial to foster higher education
               internationalisation in Malaysia. The mandate is also vital for inter-ministries and agencies
               cooperation which are directly involved in higher education internationalisation. The welfare
               of international students at undergraduate and post-graduate level studying in Malaysia in term
               of scholarships, being allowed to work in Malaysia and other services such as medical and visa
               requirement  are  also  governed  by  a  clear  mandate  from  the  top  management  of  higher
               education  stakeholders.  Likewise,  the  welfare  of  Malaysian  students  studying  abroad  also
               comes under the political mandate of the Ministry’s stakeholders. This include conducting
               awareness  programmes  and  promoting  the  national  culture  by  Education  Malaysia  offices
               which are also involved in promotion activities for recruitment of international students to
               The  political  directive  has  also  influenced  the  development  of  a  specific  policy  on
               internationalisation and its sub-policies. The policies were introduced to achieve a certain target
               of international students and the focus was on post-graduate international students. Several
               administrators from the  research universities including a Senior  Officer  from  the Ministry
               declared that “Ministry only focus on KPI to reach 250,000 international students by 2025”;
               “So  basically  the  mandate  is  more  numbers  of  international  students…...  The  previous
               government mandate in very clear, so by 2025 easily the government could reach the target of
               250,000 international students”; and “Malaysia is aiming for 250,000 international students
               by 2025”.
               The aim of becoming an international higher education hub was also mooted by the political
               mandate. Thus, the Private Higher Education Act (Act 555) was introduced in 1996 and it
               allows  for  the  establishment  of  quality  international  branch  campuses  such  as  Monash
               University from Australia and Nottingham University from the United Kingdom. In terms of
               leadership,  “the  charisma  and  wisdom  of  Minister  are  important  for  internationalisation
               process”  stated  by  a  Senior  Officer  from  the  agency  under  MOE.  A  senior  expert  of
               internationalisation  expressed  that  “…  in  the  case  of  Malaysia,  internationalisation  and
               ranking  also  about  politics  because  issues  of  ranking  were  discussed  in  the  Malaysian
               Parliament”.  In  addition,  an  administrator  of  a  research  university  expressed  that  the
               “Government allocate money to strategies internationalisation for ranking”.
               The political rationale influences inter-regional cooperation such as the Asia-Europe Meeting
               (ASEM) and the Asia-Pacific Cooperation (APEC) to promote strategic alliances, regionalism
               and  networking  opportunities.  “The  idea  of  the  strategic  alliances  could  be  related  to
               regionalism  such  as  ASEAN,  East  Asia  and  European  Union”  (Senior  expert  of
               internationalisation, Research University). Malaysia participates in inter-regional cooperation
               to  promote  the  exchange  of  students  and  to  enhance  the  understanding  between  ASEAN
               members and with other regions. The country is also involved in the internationalisation agenda
               predominantly to improve the understanding and learning between collaborating nations and

               The  networking  between  Malaysia  and  other  nations  through  bilateral  and  multilateral
               cooperation  such  as  interregional  cooperation  is  also  generated  through  political  will.
               Administrators  indicated  that  networks  bring  leaders,  researchers,  policymakers  within  the
               region and cross-region to collaborate and exchange ideas to overcome the challenges of the

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