Page 102 - Buku Panduan Jabatan Bahasa Melayu
P. 102

                                                                                       COURSE PRO FORMA

         Kandungan Pro Forma ini tidak boleh diubah tanpa kelulusan Senat bagi perkara-perkara yang telah ditandakan*. Pindaan kepada perkara lain boleh diluluskan di peringkat Akademi/Fakulti/Institut/Pusat.
         Contents of this Pro Forma shall not be changed without the Senate’s approval for items indicated with *. Changes to the other items can be approved at the Academy/Faculty/Institution/Centre level.

                                                                       Versi Bahasa Malaysia                                    Versi Bahasa Inggeris
                                                                           Malay Version                                          English Version

       Akademi/Fakulti/Institut/Pusat                Akademi Pengajian Melayu                                Academy of Malay Studies
       Jabatan                                       Jabatan Bahasa Melayu                                   Department of Malay Language
       Nama Program Akademik                         Sarjana Muda Bahasa Melayu Profesional                  Bachelor of Professional Malay Language
       Name of Academic Programme
       Kod Kursus*                                   JIB3007                                                 JIB3007
       Course Code*
       Tajuk Kursus*                                 LATIHAN ILMIAH                                          ACADEMIC EXERCISE
       Course Title*
       Kredit*                                       6                                                       6
       Masa Pembelajaran Pelajar (SLT)               240                                                     240
       Student Learning Time (SLT)

       Prasyarat/Keperluan Minimum Kursus            Tiada                                                   None
       Course Pre-requisite(s)/Minimum Requirement(s)
       Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus*                    Pada akhir kursus ini, pelajar dapat:                   At the end of the course, students are able to:
       Course Learning Outcomes*                     1.   Membincangkan teori dan metod kajian.               1.   Discuss  theory and the methodology of the study.
                                                     2.   Mengaplikasi teori  dan metod  kajian.              2.   Apply the research theory and research methodology.
                                                     3.   Menghasilkan kajian dan penulisan ilmiah.           3.   Produce research and academic writing.

       Kemahiran Insaniah                            Pemikiran Kritis dan Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah (CTPS1, CTPS2,   Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills (CTPS1, CTPS2, CTPS3)
       Soft Skills                                   CTPS3)                                                  Professional Ethics and Moral (EM1, EM2)
                                                     Etika dan Moral Pofesional (EM 1, EM 2)                 Life Long Learning and Information Management (LL1, LL2)
                                                     Pembelajaran Berterusan dan Pengurusan Maklumat (LL1, LL2)

       Sinopsis Kandungan Kursus                     Kursus ini memperkenalkan kepada pelajar cara-cara menyediakan kertas   This course introduces students to the mechanics of preparing a research
       Synopsis of Course Contents                   cadangan, merancang jadual kerja dan menjalankan penyelidikan. Pelajar   proposal, planning a research work schedule and performing the research.
                                                     juga  akan  menganalisis  data  dan  bahan  kajian  lapangan  dan  seterusnya   Students will also analyse the data and fieldwork materials and furthermore
                                                     menulis hasil kajian ilmiah.                            write the output of the academic research.

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