Page 24 - Buku Panduan Jabatan Bahasa Melayu
P. 24

                                                                                           COURSE PRO FORMA

                                                                              Versi Bahasa Malaysia                               Versi Bahasa Inggeris
                                                                                 Malay Version                                       English Version

       Sinopsis Kandungan Kursus                            Kursus ini menekankan aspek-aspek tatabahasa dengan konsep-konsep   This course emphasizes aspects of grammar with related concepts.
       Synopsis of Course Contents                          yang  berkaitan.  Kursus  ini  juga  menumpukan  aspek  bentuk,  golongan   The course also devotes aspects of form, class of words, concepts
                                                            kata, konsep  binaan dan struktur ayat bahasa Melayu. Di samping itu,   and  structures  built  Malay  verse.  In  addition,  this  course  also
                                                            kursus ini juga membandingkan binaan frasa dan ayat bahasa Melayu, dan   compares the target phrase and clause Malay, and understands the
                                                            memahami binaan dan jenis frasa, klausa dan ayat Bahasa Melayu.   target and the type of phrases, clauses and paragraphs Malay.

       Pemberatan Penilaian*                                Penilaian Berterusan: 60%                              Continuous Assessment: 60%
       Assessment Weightage*                                Peperiksaan Akhir:      40%                            Final Examination:             40%

       Kaedah Maklum Balas Tentang Prestasi                 Markah penilaian berterusan akan dimaklumkan kepada pelajar sebelum   Continuous assessment marks will be informed to students before
       Methodologies for Feedback on Performance            peperiksaan akhir setiap semester.                     the final examination.

       Kriteria Dalam Penilaian Sumatif                     Rujuk “Kaedah-kaedah Universiti Malaya (Ijazah Sarjana Muda) 2019” dan   Please refer to the University of Malaya (Bachelor’s Degree) Rules
                                                            “Peraturan-peraturan Universiti Malaya (Ijazah Sarjana Muda) 2019”.   2019 and University of Malaya (Bachelor’s Degree) Regulations
       Criteria in Summative Assessment


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