Page 84 - Buku Panduan Jabatan Linguistik Melayu
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Versi Bahasa Malaysia Versi Bahasa Inggeris
Malay Version English Version
Akademi/Fakulti/Institut/Pusat Akademi Pengajian Melayu Academy of Malay Studies
Jabatan Linguistik Melayu Malay Linguistics
Nama Program Akademik Sarjana Muda Linguistik Melayu Bachelor of Malay Linguistics
Name of Academic Programme
Kod Kursus* JID3018 JID3018
Course Code*
Tajuk Kursus* Filogenetik Bahasa Phylogenetics of Languages
Course Title*
Kredit* 3 kredit 3 credits
Masa Pembelajaran Pelajar (SLT) 120 jam 120 hours
Student Learning Time (SLT)
Prasyarat/Keperluan Minimum Kursus Tiada None
Course Pre-requisite(s)/Minimum Requirement(s)
Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus* Pada akhir kursus ini, pelajar dapat: At the end of the course, the students are able to:
Course Learning Outcomes* 1. Menjelaskan konsep-konsep asas filogenetik dan sejarah 1. Explain the basic concepts in comparative linguistics and its history of
perkembangannya. development.
2. Menilai kaedah-kaedah filogenetik berdasarkan matlamat yang ingin 2. Evaluate the phylogenetics approach based on the learning objectives.
dicapai. 3. Complete the classification and language typology of languages.
3. Melengkapkan penggolongan dan tipologi bahasa.
Sinopsis Kandungan Kursus Pelajar akan diperkenalkan dengan konsep-konsep asas serta sejarah Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of phylogenetics, world
Synopsis of Course Contents perkembangan filogenetik, pengelompokan bahasa dan tipologi bahasa languages subclassification and their typology. Focusses will be on the
dunia. Seterusnya pengajaran akan difokuskan kepada alam Melayu serta Malay world languages, their area of distribution, the homeland theory and
penyebarannya, teori tanah asal dan sejarah migrasi orang-orang Melayu. the history of migration. Methods of phylogenetics will be applied with some
Berikutnya adalah penerapan kaedah-kaedah filogenetik dan kerja-kerja practical work.
Pemberatan Penilaian* Penilaian Berterusan: 40% Continuous Assessment: 40%
Assessment Weightage* Peperiksaan Akhir: 60% Final Examination: 60%