Page 43 - 6-Buku Panduan Maklumat Am
P. 43


     Versi Bahasa Malaysia    Versi Bahasa Inggeris
     Malay Version              English Version
 Kredit*  Credit*    2 kredit    2 credits

 Masa Pembelajaran Pelajar (SLT) Student   80 jam    80 hours
 Learning Time (SLT)
 Prasyarat/Keperluan Minimum Kursus     Tiada    None
 Course Pre-requisite(s)/Minimum Requirement(s)

 Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus*  Course   Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar dapat:    At the end of the course, students are able to:
 Learning Outcomes*    1.  Memahami konsep service learning.    1.   Understanding the service learning concept.
 2.  Menunjukkan komunikasi interpersonal dengan   2.   Perform   effective   interpersonal
 rakan dan masyarakat.    communication in group and community.
 3.  Mentafsir makna bagi setiap aktiviti dan   3.   Interpret  the  meaning  of  each  activity  and
 pengalaman di lapangan.    experience in the field.

 Sinopsis Kandungan Kursus  Synopsis of   Kursus  ini  memberi  pendedahan  kepada  pelajar   This  course  expose  the  students  about  the  service
 Course Contents    tentang  service  learning  dengan  menggunakan   learning using experiential learning methods. Through
 kaedah  pembelajaran  berasaskan  pengalaman.   this  course  learning  takes  place  through  a  cycle  of
 Melalui  kursus  ini  pembelajaran  berlaku  melalui   activities and reflections of students with the community.
 kitaran   aktiviti   dan   refleksi   pelajar   dengan   These   two-way   engagements   reflect   students'
 masyarakat. Penglibatan bersifat dua hala ini    experiences in their respective fields to build

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