Page 57 - 6-Buku Panduan Maklumat Am
P. 57


     Versi Bahasa Malaysia    Versi Bahasa Inggeris
 Malay Version                  English Version
    merancang,  mengumpul,  membuat  kajian,  serta   process  of  academic  writing  such  as  designing,
 menghasilkan   penulisan   yang   lengkap   dan   collecting  and  reading  reference  material,  doing
 sempurna.  Pada  akhirnya,  para  pelajar  berjaya   research, and producing complete writing. In the end,
 menghasilkan  penulisan  akademik  yang  berkesan   students  succeed  in  producing  effective  academic
 dan  berkeupayaan  mengaplikasi  proses  serta   writing and are able to apply the correct, systematic, and
 kaedah  penulisan  akademik  yang  betul, sistematik,   thorough academic writing processes and methods.
 dan teliti.

 Pemberatan Penilaian*  Assessment   Penilaian Berterusan: 100% Peperiksaan   Continuous Assessment: 100%
 Weightage*    Akhir: 0%    Final Examination: 0%

 Kaedah Maklum Balas Tentang Prestasi      Markah penilaian berterusan akan dimaklumkan   Continuous assessment marks will be informed to the
 Methodologies for Feedback on Performance     kepada pelajar sebelum peperiksaan akhir.   students before the final exams. The final results will be
 Keputusan akhir dipamerkan pada papan kenyataan.   displayed on the notice board.
 Kriteria Dalam Penilaian Sumatif  Criteria in   Rujuk  “Kaedah-Kaedah  Universiti  Malaya  (Ijazah   Refer to the "University of Malaya
 Summative Assessment    Sarjana  Muda)  2019  dan  Peraturan-Peraturan   (Bachelor’s  Degree)  Rules  2019  and  University  of
 Universiti Malaya (Ijazah Sarjana Muda) 2019”.    Malaya (Bachelor’s Degree)
                    Regulations 2019"

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