Page 66 - 6-Buku Panduan Maklumat Am
P. 66

                                                                       COURSE PRO FORMA

                                                             Versi Bahasa Malaysia             Versi Bahasa Inggeris
                                                                Malay Version                    English Version
               Masa Pembelajaran Pelajar (SLT) Student   80 jam                      80 hours
               Learning Time (SLT)
               Prasyarat/Keperluan Minimum Kursus     Tiada                          None
               Course Pre-requisite(s)/Minimum Requirement(s)
               Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus*  Course   Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar dapat:    At the end of the course, students are able to:
               Learning Outcomes*
                                                    1.  Menerapkan  konsep  asas  pemikiran  dalam  1.   Apply  the  basic  concepts  of  thinking  in  the
                                                      perkembangan pengajian melayu    development of Malay education
                                                    2.  Mengkategori  sistem  pemikiran  Melayu  sebelum  2.   Categorizing  system  Malay  thinking  before
                                                      dan selepas Islam.             and after Islam.
                                                    3.  Menyemak    semula   pemikiran   3.   Revise  Malay  thought  in  the  era  before  and
                                                          melayu mengikut era sebelum dan selepas  after Islam.
               Sinopsis Kandungan Kursus  Synopsis of   Kursus  ini  mendedahkan  pelajar  tentang  aktiviti   This course expose the students about the way Malays
               Course Contents                      berfikir  orang  Melayu  khususnya  bagaimana  orang   thinks  especially  on  how  the  Malays  understand  the
                                                    Melayu  memahami  alam  sekeliling  dan  dirinya,   surroundings  and  themselves,  including  processes,
                                                    meliputi proses, sumber, kaedah dan etika. Melalui   sources,  methods  and  ethics.  Through  this  course,
                                                    kursus ini pembelajaran berlaku melalui pendekatan   learning  occurs  through  an  ethnographic  approach
                                                    etnografi  iaitu  menganalisis  kognitif  Melayu  yang   which  is  to  analyze  the  Malay  cognitive  expressed  in
                                                                                     prose, poetry and
                                                    terungkap  dalam  prosa,  puisi  dan  karya  kreatif   Malay creative work. In this course, students
                                                    Melayu.  Dalam  kursus  ini  pelajar  akan  memahami
                                                    unsur-unsur yang

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