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3.  Linking  the  impact  of
                                                                         development  on  Malay
                                                                         social institutions.
           Sinopsis Kandungan Kursus    Kursus ini membincangkan  aspek  This  course  discusses  the
           Synopsis of Course Contents   pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi  aspects   of   social   and
                                        iaitu  suatu  bentuk  perubahan  economic  development  in  a
                                        sosial  terancang, melalui berbagai  form of plans social change
                                        polisi   sosial   kerajaan   untuk  through various government
                                        meningkatkan   taraf   hidup  social policies to improve the
                                        masyarakat   Melayu   secara  living  standards  of  the
                                        menyeluruh.  Fokus  utama  kursus  community as a whole. The
                                        ini ialah usaha pembangunan oleh  main focus of this course is
                                        kerajaan    meliputi   tujuan  an  effort  by  government  to
                                        pembangunan,          strategi  develop      strategic
                                        pembangunan  dan  pelaksanaan  development       and
                                        pembangunan  yang  melibatkan  implementation   involving
                                        berbagai  institusi  sosial  Melayu  various   social   Malay
                                        sama ada formal atau tidak formal,  institutions whether formal or
                                        merangkumi         pendidikan,  informal,    including
                                        kesihatan,  perumahan,  tenaga  education,  health,  housing,
                                        kerja dan organisasi sosial. Melalui  labor   and   social
                                        kursus ini, pelajar akan didedahkan  organizations.  Through  this
                                        dengan   kemahiran   berkaitan  course,  students  will  be
                                        proses   pembangunan   meliputi  exposed  to  skills  related  to
                                        perencanaan,  pelaksanaan  dan  the  development  process
                                        penilaian  serta  aspek  psikososial  including   planning,
                                        Melayu.  Kemahiran  ini  memberi  implementation   and
                                        peluang    kepada     pelajar  evaluation  as  well  as  the
                                        menganalisis   kesan     dan  psychosocial   aspects   of
                                        mengemukakan      pendekatan  Malay.  These  skills  give
                                        alternatif   untuk   memperkasa  students  the  opportunity  to
                                        masyarakat Melayu.           analyze  the  impact  and
                                                                     presenting    alternative
                                                                     approaches to empower the
                                                                     Malay community.
           Pemberatan Penilaian*        Penilaian berterusan : 60%   Continuous Assessment :
           Assessment Weightage*        Peperiksaan akhir : 40%      60%
                                                                     Final Examination : 40%
           Kaedah Maklum Balas Tentang   Markah Penilaian Berterusan akan  Students  will  be  notified  of
           Prestasi                     dimaklumkan   kepada   pelajar  their  marks  for  continuing
           Methodologies for Feedback on   sebelum  peperiksaan  akhir  setiap  assessment before the final
           Performance                  semester melalui  Spectrum.   examination   of   each
                                                                     semester through Spectrum.
           Kriteria Dalam Penilaian Sumatif    Rujuk “Kaedah-kaedah Universiti   Please refer to the University
           Criteria in Summative        Malaya (Ijazah Sarjana) 2019” dan  of   Malaya   (Master's
           Assessment                   “Peraturan-peraturan Universiti   Degree)   Rules  2019  and
                                        Malaya (Ijazah Sarjana) 2019”.   University   of   Malaya
                                                                     (Master's       Degree)
                                                                     Regulations 2019 handbook.

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