Page 12 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 12

Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019

                                           Department of Geology

               The Department of Geology, University of Malaya is the oldest geology department amongst the
               Malaysian  university.  It  was  founded  in  Singapore  in  1955  and  relocated  to  The  Kuala  Lumpur
               Campus in 1960. From its modest beginning with only 4 academic staff and 2 final-year students in
               1962, the Department has expanded and evolved into a multidisciplinary department, committed to
               the  development  of  academic  excellence  in  teaching  and  research.  Each  year,  the  Department
               accepts about 40-60 undergraduates for their 3-year BSc Degree in Geology and Applied Geology
               course. As an integral part of the undergraduates’ education, the Department carries out fieldwork
               training in various parts of the country.

               To  ensure  that  our  programmes  are  at  par  with  the  rest  of  the  educational  programmes  in  the
               developed  nations,  international  external  examiners  are  appointed  to  provide  feedback  on  the
               Department’s programmes and examination matters regularly.

               The Department has been actively engaged in postgraduate research. In recent years, on average we
               have between 15 to 20 local and foreign postgraduate students. The fields of research being pursued
               range  from  fundamental  geology  to  applied  geology  such  as  economic  geology,  geochemistry,
               geophysics, engineering geology, hydrogeology and petroleum geology.

               The  Department  is  also  the  hub  for  the  exchange,  discussion  and  dissemination  of  geological
               knowledge  in  the  country  and  the  region.  It  houses  the  Secretariat  of  the  Geological  Society  of
               Malaysia (GSM) and Institute Geology Malaysia (IGM). These bodies actively organize workshops,
               seminars, conferences and fieldwork to promote geology both locally and internationally.

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