Page 117 - FINAL BOOKLET 6.10.2022
P. 117

Faculty of Science Booklet, Academic Session 2022/2023

                                 Semester I                Semester II
        Year  Component   Code     Course    Credit   Code    Course     Credit
         3   University
             Core       SIC3022   Organic      2      SIC3020  Inorganic   2
             courses             Chemistry III              Chemistry III
                                 Practical of   2           Practical of   2
                        SIC3023   Organic           SIC3021  Inorganic
                                 Chemistry III              Chemistry III
                         SIC3024   Physical    2   SIC3027   Research      3
                                 Chemistry III              Project
                        SIC3025   Practical of   2
                                 Chemistry III
             Elective            Programme     8            Programme     10
             courses             Elective**                 Elective**

             Total                             16                         17

                                 Semester I                Semester II
        Year  Component   Code     Course    Credit   Code    Course     Credit
         4   University
             Core       SIC3027   Research     3   SIC3026   Industrial    8
             courses             Project                    Training
             Elective            Programme     15
             courses             Elective**
             Total                             18                          8
        Overall Total                             132

     *For non-Malaysian

      ** Minor package

        (1) Students are required  to complete a minimum of 25 credits under the same minor package in order to be displayed on the transcript.
        (2) For further information, student can refer to UMSItS Guide via this link :

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