Page 8 - FINAL BOOKLET 6.10.2022
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Faculty of Science Booklet, Academic Session 2022/2023

               Table 1: Programme Structure
              COURSE                     COURSE CO NTENT                CREDIT
                           GIG1012 /    Philosophy and Current Issues (local students) /
                           GLT1017*     Basic Malay Language (*only for international   2
                           GIG1013      Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations   2
                           GIG1003      Basic Entrepreneurship Enculturation   2
                COURSES    GKA/GKI/GKK/   Co-Curriculum
              (12 / 14 credits)   GKP/GKS/GKU                             2 / 4
                           English Course : Refer to the List of Courses To Be Completed By
                           All Students (New Cohort)
                           Table 3                                        4
                           Core Courses                                  73 - 87
                           Elective Courses
              PROGRAMME    (I) Programme Elective Courses or/and Minor Package **   24 – 38
              (96-98 credits)   (II) Elective University Courses
                                (Student Holistic Empowerment [SHE] Kluster 1 – Kluster 4)   8
                           Note: Refer to the List of Student Holistic Empowerment (SHE) –
                           Table 4
                                    OVERALL TOTAL                      132 - 135

            * Programme Course
            For Bachelor of Actuarial Science programme:
             (1) Programme Course : 133 credits
             (2) Overall Total: 145 credits.

            ** Minor package
            (1) Students are required  to complete a minimum of 25 credits under the same minor package in order
            to be displayed on the transcript.
            (2) For further information, student can refer to UMSItS Guide via this link :
            (3) Minor package is not eligible for the following programmes :
               (a) Bachelor of Science with Education
               (b) Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology

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