Page 80 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 80


                                        department of history

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS

                                                          Malay Sultanate
                                                          Religious Issue
                                                          Education in Malaysia/ Malay World
                                                          Women/Malay Women in Malaysia

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Historical thought, Malay Sultanate, women,
                                                          Malay manuscripts, History of Pahang.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Arba'iyah Mohd Noor (2024), Sejarah Lisan
                                                         dan  Pendokumentasian,  Selangor:  MK  e-Solution
             associate prof. dr.                         Sdn. Bhd.
                                                         Arba'iyah Mohd Noor (2024), Pensejarahan
             ARBA'IYAH MOHD NOOR                         Malaysia, Selangor: MK e-Solution Sdn. Bhd.
                                                         Mohd Shahrul Azha Mohd Sharif, Arbaiyah Mohd
                             Noor,  (2024),  "Di  Sebalik  Isu  Perkahwinan
                                                         Nadrah:  Tumpuan  Terhadap  Pandangan  Ahmad
             EDUCATION                                   Luthfi  dalam  Majalah  Qalam    (1950-1963)",  Kajian
                                                         Malaysia, Vol. 42, 1, 341-365.
                PhD, (Historical Thought)                Zaharah  Muhammad  dan  Arba’iyah  Mohd  Noor,
                    Universiti Malaya (UM)               Peranan  NGO  Alam  Sekitar  (ENGO)  dalam  Isu
                                                         Deforestasi  di  Endau-Rompin,  1970-2000,  Jebat:
                MA (History of Ideas)                    Malaysian  Journal  of  History,  Politics  &  Strategic
                   Lancaster University, United Kingdom
                                                         Studies, Vol 51, No 3 (2024), 303-325.
                BHSc (Hons), (History and Civilisation)  Nur  Alia  Shamsul  Bahri,  Norazilawati  Abd  Wahab,
                   International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)  Arba’iyah  Mohd  Noor  (2024),  The
                                                         Boatbuilding Practices Among Boatbuilders (Tukang
                                                         Timbal)  In  Terengganu,  Malaysia:  A  Case  Study  In
              UMEXPERT LINK                              Water  Transportation,  Maritime  Heritage  And
       Craftsmanship  In  Asean,  Alam  Cipta,  2024,  17(1),
                                                         75–87 .
             RESEARCHER ID                             SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             B-8246-2010 (Web of Science)
          Certificate of Excellent Services, Universiti Malaya,
                                                         2022, 2023
                                                         Anugerah  Perkhidmatan  Cemerlang,  Universiti
             SCOPUS ID                                   Malaya 2018.
             57276028800                                 Anugerah  Buku  Umum  Terbaik  (Kategori  Warisan),
                                                         Peringkat Kebangsaan, 2019.

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