Page 94 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 94


                                        department of history

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Economic and Business History of Malaysia
                                                          Malaysian Chinese History

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Malaysian Chinese studies, business history,
                                                          Malaysian history, biography, China history.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Tan  M.I.,  Lee  K.H.,  Lee  K.Y.  (2024).  Does  China
             dr.                                         Matter to the Chinese Overseas? A Case Study of
                                                         Malaysian  Chinese  Businesses,  Translocal  Chinese:
             tan miau ing                                East Asian Perspectives. 17(2), 129-160.
                                                         Tan,  M.  I.  (2022).  The  "unruly"  Space:  Tanjong
                           Piandang,  a  Pirates'  Haven  to  a  Fishing  Village,
                                                         Translocal  Chinese:  East  Asian  Perspectives,  16(2),
                                                         126-150. doi:10.1163/24522015-16020002.
             EDUCATION                                   Wong, D. T. K., Tan, M. I. Ing, Por, H. H., & Tung, W.
                PhD (History of the Chinese in Malaysia)  Q. (2021). Lead and Grow: 115 Years of the Chinese
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Chamber  of  Commerce  and  Industry  of  Kuala
                                                         Lumpur  and  Selangor.  Kuala  Lumpur:  Universiti
                M.Econ, (Economics)                      Malaya Press.
                   Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)  Tan, M. I. Ing (2018). Tun Sir Henry Lee Hau Shik:
                                                         Ahli  Tokoh  Perniagaan  dan  Tokoh  Politik.  Kuala
                B.Econ (Economics)
                   Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)  Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
                                                         Tan, M. I. (2017). Chinese Labour Broker in Malaya:
                                                         Lee Kwai Lim and his Kam Lun Tai Company. Journal
              UMEXPERT LINK                              of  the  Malaysian  Branch  of  the  Royal  Asiatic
      Society, 90(313), 55-69.

             RESEARCHER ID                             SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             ABC-4439-2022 (Web of Science)               Received  a  grant  for  the  establishment  of  the
           KLSCCCI  Gallery  at  Wisma  Chamber,  Jalan
                                                          Obtained a grant to assist in the setting up of the
             SCOPUS ID                                    Sin  Sze  Si  Ya  Temple  Pioneers  of  Kuala  Lumpur
             57132364900                                  Museum.

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