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Sarjana Muda Pengajian Asia Timur
                                                Sarjana Muda Pengajian Asia Timur
                                                Bachelor of East Asian Studies
                                                Bachelor of East Asian Studies

                                                                                    HOME STUDENT

                                                                               Kursus / Course                                         Kredit / Credit
                                           Kursus Teras Jabatan                  AIG1011  Asia Timur Menerusi Lensa Digital                    3
                                           Department Core Course                         East Asia through Digital Lenses
                                                              Pakej Pengajian    AIG1013  Bahasa Cina 1                                        3
                                                              China                       Chinese Language 1
                                                              Chinese Studies             Budaya dan Masyarakat China
                                                              Package           AIG1009   Culture and Society of China                         3
                                           Pilih Satu Pakej   Pakej Pengajian    AIG1015  Bahasa Jepun 1                                       3
                                           Teras Sahaja       Jepun                       Japanese Language 1
                                           Choose One Core    Japan Studies               Budaya dan Masyarakat Jepun
                                           Package Only       Package           AIG1008   Culture and Society of Japan                         3
                                                              Pakej Pengajian    AIG1017  Bahasa Korea 1                                       3
                                                              Korea                       Korean Language 1
                                                              Korean Studies              Budaya dan Masyarakat Korea
                                                              Package           AIG1010   Culture and Society of Korea                         3
                                                                                          Sejarah Korea
                                                                                 AIG1021                                                       3
                                                                                          History of Korea
                                                                                          Proses Modenisasi China
                                                                                AIG2013                                                        3
                                                                                          Modernization Process of China
                                                                                          Sistem Pentadbiran dan Politik Jepun
                                                                                AIG2017                                                        3
                                                                                          Administration and Political System of Japan
                                           Pilih Satu Kursus Elektif Sahaja     AIG2020   Pembinaan Bangsa Jepun                               3
                                           Choose One Elective Course Only                Nation Building in Japan
                                                                                          Globalisasi dan Budaya Popular Korea
                                                                                AIG2025                                                        3
                                                                                          Globalization and Popular Culture of Korea
                                                                                          Proses Modenisasi Korea
                                                                                AIG2027                                                        3
                                                                                          Modernization Process of Korea
                                                                                          Transformasi Sosial di Jepun
                                                                                AIG2029                                                        3
                                                                                          Social Transformation in Japan
                                           Setiap pendaftaran Kursus Universiti   GIG1012  Falsafah dan Isu Semasa (FIS)                       2
                                           yang berikut perlu mengikut kumpulan           Philosophy and Current Issues
                                           yang ditawarkan                     Rujuk Lampiran 1  Bahasa Inggeris Komunikasi / Bahasa Asing
                                           Each of the following University Courses   Please refer to   English Communication Course / Foreign Language  2
                                                                               Appendix 1
                                           must be registered in line with the group      Elektif Universiti (SHE)
                                           offered                                                                                             2
                                                                                          University Elective (SHE)
                                                                               Jumlah Kredit                                                   18
                                                                               Total Credit
                                                                 Nota: Pastikan bahawa jumlah kredit berdaftar tidak kurang daripada 15 Kredit
                                                                    Note: Please ensure the total credit registered is not less than 15 credits
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