Page 101 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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        Hubungan Korea Utara - Korea Selatan   AIG3023
        North Korea - South Korean Relations  Hubungan Jepun-ASEAN
                                            Japan - ASEAN Relations
        Proses Modenisasi Korea             AIG3024
        Modernization Process of Korea      Dasar Luar Jepun
                                            Foreign Policy of Japan
        Transformasi Sosial Korea           AIG3025                                Active international relation and
        Social Transformation in Korea      Industri dan Dasar Perindustrian Jepun   dynamic economic development
                                            Industries and Industrial Policy of Japan  make East Asia an axis of the
        AIG2029                                                                    growing   international  trade.
        Transformasi Sosial di Jepun        AIG3026                                Globalization, followed by the idea
        Social Transformation in Japan      Perdagangan dan Pelaburan Antarabangsa   of  economic  integration  in  East
                                            Jepun                                  Asia is the force that creates trade
        AIG2030                             International Trade and Investment of   opportunities and establishes new
        Ekonomi Pertanian Jepun             Japan                                  relationships in the interactions
        Agricultural Economy of Japan                                              between countries in this region.
        AIG2031                             Keusahawanan dan Pengurusan Korporat   The importance of East Asia from
        Masyarakat Kontemporari Asia Timur   Korea                                 the perspectives of geographic,
        East Asian Contemporary Society     Korean Entreupreneurship and Corporate   economic and political strategies
                                            Management                             in the global arena has lead to the
        AIG2032                                                                    establishment of the Department
        Pendekatan Digital dalam Penyelidikan Asia   AIG3028                       of  East  Asian  Studies  offering  a
        Timur                               Budaya Organisasi Korea                comprehensive education program.
        Digital Approaches in East Asian Research  Organizational Culture of Korea
                                                                                   The   programme   offers  an
        AIG3013                             AIG3029                                integration  of  China  Studies,
        Isu-isu Politik Asia Timur Selepas 1900  Dasar Luar Korea                  Japan Studies and Korea Studies.
        Political Issues in East Asia After 1900  Foreign Policy of Korea          Besides paying attention to the
                                                                                   fields of economy, management
        AIG3014                             AIG3030                                and contemporary  international
        Islam di China                      Hubungan Korea-ASEAN                   relations, the teaching focuses
        Islam in China                      Korea-ASEAN Relations                  on the languages of the three
        AIG3015                             AIG3031
        Politik Kontemporari China          Politik Kontemporari Korea Selatan     The programme also offers courses
        Contemporary Politics of China      Contemporary Politics of South Korea   on the East Asia Province to enrich
                                                                                   students with knowledge and a
        AIG3016                             AIG3032                                deep understanding about the
        Hubungan Malaysia-China             Perdagangan Antarabangsa Korea Selatan   province.
        Malaysia-China Relations            International Trade of South Korea

        AIG3017                             AIG3033                                    Career Opportunity
        Hubungan China-ASEAN                Hubungan Malaysia-Jepun
        China - ASEAN Relations             Malaysia-Japan Relations
                                                                                   •   Ambassadorial Aide
        AIG3018                             AIG3034
        Dasar Luar China                    Hubungan Malaysia-Korea                •   Author
        Foreign Policy of China             Malaysia-Korea Relations
                                                                                   •   Diplomatic Liaison
        AIG3019                             AIG3035
        Perdagangan dan Pelaburan Antarabangsa   Sosiologi Subbudaya Jepun         •   Editor
        China                               Sociology of Japanese Subcultures
        International Trade and Investment of                                      •   Educator
        China                               AIG3036
                                            Asia Timur dan Dunia Luar              •   Journalist
        AIG3020                             East Asia and the World Beyond
        Isu-isu Kontemporari Jepun                                                 •   Researcher
        Contemporary Issues in Japan
        Sistem Pengurusan Jepun
        Japanese Management System

        Budaya Organisasi Jepun
        Japanese Organizational Culture
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