Page 154 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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                                                                                   Tenaga Akademik Jabatan
                                                                                   Academic Staff
                     Sarjana Muda Sastera Sejarah
                             Jabatan Sejarah                                       Ketua Jabatan / Head of Department
                                                                                   Associate Prof Dr Arba’iyah Mohd Noor
                                                                                   BHSc (IIUM), MA (Lancaster), PhD (Malaya)
                        Bachelor of Arts History                                   Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
                         Department of History                                     Historical  Thoughts,  Sultanate  and
                                                                                   Manuscripts, History of Women
                                                                                   Associate Prof Dr Zulkanain Abdul Rahman
                                                                                   BA (Hons) (Malaya), MA (Leeds), PhD (East Anglia)
        Jabatan Sejarah, Fakulti Sastera   The Department of History, Faculty of
        dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaya   Arts and Social Sciences, University   Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        mempunyai sejarah yang sangat     of Malaya has a very long history.       Modern European History, Politics and
        panjang. Jabatan ini sudah pun    Founded in 15 January  1959, the         Democracy
        wujud sejak 63 tahun yang lalu iaitu   department has existed for the
        pada 15 Januari 1959. Sebagai salah   past 63 years. As one of the oldest   Emeritus Prof Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Yusoff
        sebuah jabatan yang tertua bukan   departments not only in the University   Hashim
        sahaja di Universiti Malaya tetapi   of Malaya but also in Malaysia, the   BA (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Malaya)
        juga di Malaysia, Jabatan Sejarah   Department upholds its academic
        terus menjulang wadah kesarjanaan   flagship by recognizing academic       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        dengan menampilkan barisan ahli   staff of outstanding scholarship and     Malaysian History, Philology of Malaysian
        akademik  yang  berwibawa  dan    introducing competitive programs to      Malay and Malay World
        program yang berdaya saing bagi   ensure the study of History continues
        memastikan ilmu Sejarah terus subur.  to flourish.                         Emeritus Prof Datuk Dr Abdullah Zakaria
        Pada  ketika  masyarakat  sudah   In an era when society is increasingly   BA (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Malaya)
        semakin menoleh kepada sejarah    turning to history to learn and
        untuk mengetahui dan memahami     understand current developments in       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        perkembangan semasa sama ada      Malaysia or abroad, the department       History of Malaysia
        yang berlaku di Malaysia mahupun   is committed to the appreciation
        di  negara  luar,  jabatan  ini  komited   and  inspiration  of  self  and  national   Prof Datuk Dr Danny Wong Tze Ken
        terhadap penghayatan dan penjiwaan   identity among its students because   BA (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Malaya)
        jati diri dan identiti kenegaraan dalam   an individual with historical literacy
        kalangan para pelajarnya kerana   will be able to understand oneself,      Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        individu yang celik sejarah akan dapat   family, society, and country better.  History of Southeast Asia, China and the
        memahami diri, keluarga, masyarakat                                        Overseas Chinese, Sabah
        dan negaranya dengan lebih jelas.  The department offers Bachelor
                                          of Arts History with 122 credits         Prof Dr Shakila Parween Yacob
        Sehubungan itu, jabatan menawarkan   consisting  of  three  curriculum     BA (Malaya), MA (WMU), PhD (Reading)
        Program  Sarjana  Muda  Sastera   components comprising university
        Sejarah  dengan  tiga  komponen   modules (12 credits), core modules       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        kurikulum  merangkumi   modul     (66 credits) and elective modules (44    History of Business and International
        universiti (12 kredit), modul teras (66   credits). The thrust of the program is   Business, History of U.S. Government and
        kredit) dan modul elektif (44 kredit).   the core modules that cover various   Politics, History of New Media and Critical
        Nadi kepada program adalah modul   aspects of Malaysian and global         Thinking
        teras yang meliputi pelbagai aspek   history. As a program that focuses on
        sejarah  Malaysia  dan sejarah  global.   Malaysian history, more core modules   Prof Dr Badrol Hisham Ahmad Noor
        Sebagai  sebuah  program  yang    are provided on Malaysian history at     BA, MA (Sussex), MA (SOAS), PhD (Essex)
        menunjangi Sejarah Malaysia maka   a ratio of 60:40.
        komponen Sejarah Malaysia dalam                                            Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        modul teras ditawarkan dengan ratio   In the elective module component,    Colonial History of Southeast Asia, 18th-
        60:40 berbanding dengan kursus    the program provides an opportunity      20th Century, Political-Religious Movements
        yang lain.                        for students to take elective modules    in Southeast Asia, Rise of Anti-Colonial
                                          which are offered by other programs      Movements in Southeast Asia
        Di bawah  komponen  modul  elektif,   in  the  Faculty  of  Arts  and  Social
        program juga memberi peluang      Sciences. Throughout the study,          Prof Dr Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja
        kepada pelajar untuk mengambil    students are required to complete        BSc (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Malaya)
        modul elektif pengkhususan yang   30  credits  of  elective  modules.  This
        mereka minati yang ditawarkan     is important for students to improve     Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        oleh  program  lain  di  Fakulti  Sastera   their ability in mastering knowledge   Malaysian Economic History, British Imperial
        dan Sains  Sosial  sendiri.  Sepanjang   outside the field of history. In addition,   History, Trade History and Indian Community
        pengajian,  pelajar  dikehendaki  the student’s personality is also        in Malaysia
        menyempurnakan 30 kredit bagi     strengthened through the Student
        modul ini. Hal ini dilihat penting bagi   Attribute  Enhancement  Module
        meningkatkan  keupayaan  pelajar  (SHE)  which  offers  eight  (8)  credits
        dalam menguasai ilmu di luar daripada   emphasizing  on  communication
        bidang  sejarah.  Selain  itu, sahsiah   skills,  teamwork,  savoir  faire  and
        pelajar turut diperkasa dengan Modul   competitiveness.
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