Page 21 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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                                             Bahasa Inggeris Komunikasi / Bahasa Asing

                                             English Communication Course / Foreign Language

                   Path 1                     Path 2                    Path 3                    Path 4

          •  MUET BAND 2            •  MUET BAND 3            •  MUET BAND 4             •  MUET BAND 5 & BAND 6
            (2008-2020)               (2008-2020)                (2008-2020)               (2008-2020)
          • MUET Band 2 & 2.5 (2021)  •  MUET Band 3 & 3.5 (2021)  •  MUET Band 4 & 4.5 (2021)  •  MUET Band 5 & 5+ (2021)
          •  IELTS Band 4.0         •  IELTS Band 4.5 - 5.0   •  IELTS Band 5.5 - 6.0    •  IELTS Band 6.5 - 9.0
          •  TOEFL Paper - Based Test   •  TOEFL Paper - Based Test   •  TOEFL Paper - Based Test   •  TOEFL Paper - Based Test
            (437 - 473)               (477 - 510)                (513 - 547)               (550 - 677)
          •  TOEFL Computer - Based   •  TOEFL Computer - Based   •  TOEFL Computer - Based   •  TOEFL Computer - Based
            Test (123 - 150)          Test (153 - 180)           Test (183 - 210)          Test (213 - 300)
          •  TOEFL Internet - Based Test   •  TOEFL Internet - Based Test   •  TOEFL Internet - Based   •  TOEFL Internet - Based
            (41 - 52)                 (53 - 64)                  Test (65 - 78)            Test (79 - 120)
          •  PTE (Academic) - (10 - 28)  •  PTE (Academic) - (29 - 41)  •  PTE (Academic) - (42 - 57)  •  PTE (Academic) (58 - 90)
                                                              •  FCE (B & C)             •  FCE (A)
                                                              •  GCE A Level (English)   •  GCE A Level (English)
                                                                 (Minimum C)               (B & A)
                                                              •  IGCSE/GCSE (English)
                                                                 (A, B & C)
         Students need to complete 2   Students need to complete 2   Students need to complete 2   Students need to complete 2
         courses (2 courses x 2 credits   courses (2 courses x 2 credits   courses (2 courses x 2 credits   courses (2 courses x 2 credits
         each) from this PATH      each) from this PATH       each) from this PATH      each) from this PATH
         Compulsory                Compulsory                 Compulsory
                                                                                        • GLT1027 - Advanced Oral
         GLT1018 - Proficiency in English I GLT1021 - Proficiency in English II GLT1024 - Proficiency in English      Communication *
                                                              Ill                       • GLT1028 - Advanced Business
                                                                                          Writing *
                                                              Choose One**
         Choose One**              Choose One**               • GLT1025 - Effective Oral Com-
         • GLT1019 - Let’s Speak   • GLT1022 - Speak Up       munication                OR
         • GLT1020 - Fundamental Speak  • GLT1023 - Effective Workplace   • GLT1026 - Writing at the Work-
         Writing                   Writing                                              Foreign language course
                                                              place                     (Please refer the next page)

        *  Students can only register for one course per semester
        ** Kursus ini mempunyai Pra Syarat dan hanya boleh didaftar selepas pelajar LULUS kursus WAJIB mengikut Path yang
          These courses have prerequisites and students can only register for them after obtaining a PASS in the compulsory course as
          stipulated in the respective PATH.
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