Page 45 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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This course intends to expose the students to menjalankan kaji selidik sosial di lapangan in the field of environment. Research should
qualitative reserach methods in geography secara berkumpulan. be focused on one issue or new things
and environmental studies, and prepare the that have not yet been examined. It may
students to conduct meaningful qualitative The course on social geography, which be a case study, process, phenomenon, or
reserach effectively and confidently. This is a branch of science to understand the assessing the changes in the environmental
course could be spread into three main social world. This course will examine the process. With the guidance of a supervisor,
components. The first part intends to relationship between humans and place students will be trained to plan, collect
expose the students with thefundamental and space they went through in the form of and compile information scientifically and
conceptual understandings of qualitative daily life. The course will also examine the present it in the form of a scientific paper.
methods including the various methods differences between human groups that Use of relevant technique to Bachelor level
to generate qualitative data and inquire often led to conflict in life. The main axis and meet the reasonable quality.
qualitative evidence such as interviews, is used to study the differences are class,
observation and Focus Group Discussion. gender, ethnicity and religion. In this course,
Nest, students will be introduced and students will be able to use geographic
trained on qualitative data analysis using methods to understand social phenomena AIB4001
the Thematic Analysis Technique. Finally, and disclosed to carry out social surveys in Latihan Industri
students will be taught on the methods to the field as a team. Industrial Training
conduct comprehensive and meaningful
interpretation of qualitative data analysis, Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar kepada
and make conclusions out of qualitative situasi pekerjaan dalam dunia sebenar.
AIB3021 Penekanan akan diberikan kepada aplikasi
Dinamika Bandar pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang dipelajari
Urban Dynamics semasa penempatan industri. Selain itu,
pelajar boleh mengambil peluang untuk
AIB3018 Kursus ini akan mengkaji konsep dan mengenalpasti peluang pekerjaan yang
Analisis Lokasi dan Ruangan proses perbandaran serta memahami berkait dengan bidang pengajian.
Location and Spatial Analysis bagaimana proses perkembangan bandar
berlaku. Disamping itu dinamika bandar This course introduces students to the
Kursus ini memberi penekanan khusus merupakan aspek penting yang wujud employment situation in the real world.
kepada kajian lokasi dalam ruang dan dalam proses perbandaran terutama dalam Emphasis will be given to the application
proses susunan ruang yang menjadi elemen era perkembangan bandar masa kini. Kursus of knowledge and skills learned during the
penting di dalam pengajian geografi ini turut mengkaji implikasi perkembangan industrial placement. In addition, students
manusia. Kursus ini akan memeriksa bandar yang tidak terlepas daripada isu dan can take the opportunity to identify
beberapa teori asas dan konsep dasar masalah yang perlu ditangani. employment opportunities related to their
berkaitan dengan aspek analisis lokasi field of study.
dan proses ruang. Kursus akan meninjau The course will review concepts and
keperluan pengubahsuaian terhadap processes to understand how the process
prinsip-prinsip dan teori-teori asas tersebut of urbanization and urban development
dan penggunaannya secara umum dalam happen. In addition, the dynamic of the
konteks dunia sebenar. city is an important aspect inherent in
the process of urbanization, especially in
This course will emphasize on the today’s era of development. The course
importance of locational analysis and also examines the implications of urban
spatial organization as a central tenet in the development that cannot be separated
study of human geography. This course will from issues and problems that need to be
go on to examine selected basic theories addressed.
and theoretical concepts related to location
and spatial processes. In the concluding
section, the course will discuss the need
for adaption and adjustments of these
principles to fit the real world context. AIB3024
Projek Penyelidikan
Research Project
Tugasan Projek Ilmiah bertujuan memberi
AIB3020 pendedahan kepada pelajar mengenai
Geografi Sosial penyelidikan saintifik dan penulisan ilmiah
Social Geography dalam bidang geografi. Penyelidikan
hendaklah difokuskan kepada satu isu
Kursus ini mengenai geografi sosial atau perkara baru yang belum lagi dikaji.
yang merupakan satu cabang ilmu untuk Ia mungkin berupa kajian kes, proses,
memahami dunia sosial. Kursus ini akan fenomena, atau menilai perubahan suatu
mengkaji hubungkait antara manusia proses geografi. Dengan bimbingan
dengan tempat serta ruang yang mereka seorang penyelia, para pelajar akan
bentuk dan lalui dalam menjalani kehidupan dilatih merancang, mengumpul dan
harian. Kursus juga akan mengkaji mengenai menyusun maklumat secara saintifik
perbezaan antara kelompok manusia serta mempersembahkannya dalam
yang kerapkali membawa konflik dalam bentuk kertas ilmiah. Penggunaan teknik
kehidupan. Paksi utama yang digunakan yang bersesuaian dengan tahap Ijazah
untuk mengkaji perbezaan ini adalah kelas, Sarjana Pertama dan mencapai mutu yang
gender, etnisiti dan agama. Dalam kursus sewajarnya.
ini juga, pelajar akan mampu menggunakan
kaedah geografi untuk memahami Academic Project aims to expose students
fenomena sosial serta didedahkan kepada to scientific research and academic writing