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               Kursus Teras
               Core Courses

        AIE1001                             AIE1008                             AIE2018
        Pengantar Hubungan Antarabangsa     Pendekatan kepada Keselamatan Nasional   Teori Kontemporari Hubungan
        Introduction to International Relations  Malaysia                       Antarabangsa
                                            Approaches to National Security of   Contemporary Theories of International
        AIE1002                             Malaysia                            Relations
        Pengantar Politik
        Introduction to Politics            AIE2004                             AIE3003
                                            Analisis Dasar Luar                 Keselamatan Antarabangsa
        AIE1003                             Foreign Policy Analysis             International Security
        Politik Ekonomi Hubungan Antarabangsa
        Political Economy of International   AIE2006                            AIE3004
        Relations                           Undang-Undang Antarabangsa          Dasar Luar Malaysia
                                            International Law                   Foreign Policy of Malaysia
        Evolusi Masyarakat Antarabangsa     AIE2009                             AIE3005
        Evolution of International Society  Pelaku Bukan Negara dalam Hubungan   Dasar Luar Kuasa-Kuasa Besar
                                            Antarabangsa                        Foreign Policies of Major Powers
        AIE1006                             Non-State Actors in International Relations
        Pengenalan kepada Teori Hubungan                                        AIE3016
        Antarabangsa                        AIE2010                             Amalan Diplomasi
        Introduction to Theories of International   Perkembangan Strategi Moden   Practice of Diplomacy
        Relations                           Development of Modern Strategy
        AIE1007                             AIE2016                             Projek Penyelidikan
        Organisasi Antarabangsa dalam Politik   Kaedah Penyelidikan dalam Hubungan   Research Project
        Dunia                               Antarabangsa
        International Organizations in World   Research Methods in International   AIE4002
        Politics                            Relations                           Latihan Industri
                                                                                Industrial Training

            Career Opportunity

            Many students ask “What type of job could I get with a degree in International and Strategic Studies?” The answer depends
            on your choice of specialisation, interests, experiences, skills. The discipline of International Relations, creating a literal world of
            opportunity. Your task, as a scholar, is to define your area of expertise and map out how You want to make a difference. Do you
            want to study the military and terrorism as they influence foreign policy, or observe factors that contribute to a credible peace
            process in war-torn society? Are you interested in the role international organisations play in agenda-setting and the creation of
            international norms? Do you think culture and society are the key drivers for current events? Do you want to work in public sector
            for the government or semi-governmental agency in the private sector for a multinational corporation, bank, or firm, or in the
            non-profit sector for a non-governmental organisation or research institute?  Whatever your personal philosophical endeavours,
            opportunities abound.
            Since 1998, we have produced the first batch of graduates who specialised their degree programme (either at the undergraduate
            and postgraduate level) in International and Strategic Studies. The ability of our students to master various fundamental and soft
            skills with global outlooks, lateral thinking and international concerns (see the Programme Outcome) in resolving various tasks
            and issues has allowed them to secure a better job prospect within 6 months after graduation. The diversity and interdisciplinary
            nature of the discipline, namely the International and Strategic Studies have allowed students to secure a working attachment in
            various organisations and corporations.
            Some opted for a career path in diplomatic services and foreign affairs, attached as the civil servants in various governmental
            ministries  (both  at  the federal  and state  governmental  levels),  defence  and intelligence  sectors,  various  local,  regional  and
            international branches or agencies under the United Nations system, banking and financial sectors, and private firms, especially in
            human resource division, marketing strategists and insurance companies.
            During their industrial training placement, Students develop many widely transferable skills during their studies including excellent
            written and verbal communications skills, research skills and notably, an understanding of complex political and cultural issues.
            Particular skills gained include the ability to research using a variety of sources. Students can create, evaluate and assess a range
            of options, sift material and weigh up arguments. Students are able to critically analyse information and can assess problems
            and arguments,  reach conclusions and discuss  them clearly. You may find  out more about  our recent graduates  and alumni
            testimonials from the Department Website, and check on the Alumni and Development section at
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