Page 94 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
P. 94


        dan pemeliharaan warisan serta penerusan
        tradisi yang terdapat di Asia Tenggara.
        Manakala  bahagian  akhir  kursus akan
        menjelaskan peranan pelbagai agensi
        dalam melaksanakan program pemulihan
        dan pemeliharaan warisan serta penerusan
        tradisi yang terdapat di Asia Tenggara.
        Southeast Asia has a rich and unique
        cultural  heritage.  Tangible  and intangible
        cultural heritage in Southeast Asia is a
        result of the creation and production of
        culture by Southeast Asian societies a
        few centuries ago. The recognition given
        by world organisations to tangible and
        intangible heritage in the world heritage list
        has enhanced the awareness of societies
        and  governments  in  Southeast  Asia  in
        conserving, preserving and maintaining
        cultural heritage. This course is divided into
        four parts in which the first part will explain
        major concepts of heritages and traditions.
        The second part will describe the influential
        heritage and traditions in Southeast Asia.
        The third part will describe the policies
        and the role of governments of Southeast
        Asian countries in restoring and preserving
        heritages as well as continuing traditions in
        the region. The last part of the course will
        explain the role of various agencies in the
        implementation of programs to restore and
        preserve heritage as well as to continue
        traditions in Southeast Asia.
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