P. 15

14                                  BACHELOR OF SPORTS SCIENCE (EXERCISE SCIENCE)  2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION

                  Category         Normal         Special         Fees        Duration of      Grade
                                 Semester        Semester                       Study
                Personal          Week 1-2        Week 2           No          Included       No Grade
                                  Week 3-7        Week 2           Yes         Included       Grade W1

                Mobility          Week 1-2       Week 1-2          No        Not Included     Grade W3

                                 Week 3-14       Week 3-7          Yes       Not Included     Grade W1
                Medical           Week 1-7       Week 1-3          No        Not Included     Grade W3
                                 Week 8-14       Week 4-7          Yes       Not Included     Grade W1
               Note: * Candidate who withdraws from a semester will be charged a minimum payment to
               retain the candidature.

               All applications for withdrawal from a semester shall be made to the Dean of the Faculty via
               MAYA system for consideration and approval.

               General Information

                      Semester               Duration                 Fee                   Grade
                Normal Semester              Week 1-2                  No                 No Grade
                                             Week 3-7                 Yes                 Grade W
                Special Semester             Week 1-2                  No                 No Grade


               The assessment of examinations shall be based on the following grading scheme:

                        Marks                  Grade              Grade Points             Meaning
                       90-100                      A+                   4.0             High Distinction

                        80-89                  A                        4.0               Distinction
                        75-79                  A-                       3.7

                        70-74                  B+                       3.3                  Good
                        65-69                  B                        3.0
                        60-64                  B-                       2.7

                        55-59                  C+                       2.3                  Pass
                        50-54                  C                        2.0
                        45-49                  C-                       1.7                   Fail
                        40-44                  D+                       1.3
                        35-39                  D                        1.0
                         0-34                  F                        0.0
                                        The passing grade for all courses is C.

               Appeal against Examination Results

               (1)  A  student  who  is  not  satisfied  with  his  examination  results  including  the  continuous
                   assessment component and/or final examination of the course may appeal for a review of
                   his examination results. The appeal shall be made within seven (7) days from the official
                   date of announcement of his examination results.
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