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50                                  BACHELOR OF SPORTS SCIENCE (EXERCISE SCIENCE)  2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION

                Course Code               VIB3210
                Course Title              APPLIED SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     Malay / English Language
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   None
                Minimum Requirement(s)
                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                          1.   Distinguish techniques in mental skills training.
                                          2.   Compare roles and procedures involved in implementing the techniques in
                                              psychological skills training.
                                          3.   Design a plan of mental annual training programs (periodization) to improve
                                              performance sports.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This  course  exposes  the  student  in  a  theoretical  and  practical  way,  several  relevant
                                          techniques for mental skills training to assist in the performance of athletes in the sport
                                          are  presented.  Students  will  be  exposed  to  an  annual  plan  for  mental  skills  training.
                                          Practical sessions will also be conducted to expose students to the laboratory tools used
                                          to carry out test for mental skills.
                Main Reference            Andersen, M.B. (2000). Doing Sport Psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
                                          Bompa, T.O., & Haff,G.G. (2009). Periodization:Theory and Methodology of Training.
                                          Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
                                          Karageorghis, C.I., & Terry, P.C. (2011).  Inside Sport Psychology. Champaign, IL:
                                          Human Kinetics.
                                          Murphy, S. (2005).  The Sport Psych Handbook. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
                                          Weinberg, R.S., & Gould, D. (2011). Foundations of Sports and Exercise Psychology.
                                          Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                          Final Examination  : 40%
                Soft Skills               Communication Skills – CS3
                                          Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – CTPS2
                                          Team Work skills – TS4
                                           Life Long Learning and Information Management - LL2

                Course Code               VIB3211
                Course Title              PHYSIOLOGY EXERCISE FOR SPECIAL POPULATION
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     English Language
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   VIB1101 Anatomy and Physiology I
                Minimum Requirement(s)    VIB1102 Anatomy and Physiology II
                                          VIB2002 Exercise Physiology and Sports
                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                              1.   Explain the physiological changes that lead to health conditions
                                              2.   Relate the major health conditions with components of health and fitness
                                              3.   Prescribe an exercise program for the management of disease symptoms
                Synopsis of Course Contents   Exercise  physiology  for  special  populations  includes  those  who  have  major  health
                                          problems  linked  to  inactive  lifestyle  or  symptoms  that  can  be  avoided  by  increasing
                                          physical activity and physical fitness. This course explains in detail the aspects of obesity
                                          and diabetes, before discussing problems relating to cardiovascular system; lungs; spinal
                                          arthritis and pain; aging and the elderly; bone health; pregnancy and menstruation; and
                                          spinal injuries. Students will be able to prescribe a specific exercise program for the group
                Main Reference            1.   Powers SK and Howley ET (2015). Exercise Physiology, Theory and Application to
                                              Fitness and Performance. 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies.
                                          2.   McArdle WD, Katch FI and Katch VL (2014). Exercise Physiology, Energy,
                                              Nutrition, and Human Performance. 7th Edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
                                          3.   J Buckley. Exercise Physiology in Special Populations E-Book. Elsevier Books.
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                          Final Examination  : 40%
                Soft Skills               Critical Thinking and Problem Soving – CTPS3
                                          Professional Ethics and Moral – LS2
                                          Leadership Skills – LS2

                Course Code               VIB3212
                Course Title              BIOCHEMISTRY OF EXERCISE AND SPORTS
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     English Language
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   VIB2102 Nutrition and Energy Balance in Exercise and Sport
                Minimum Requirement(s)
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63